D Day Dice
As this long out of print and particularly hard to find little devil has recently reemerged on Kickstarter I thought I’d pull out this old review from the vaults. Give it a polish and put it up here in case you missed it the first time. Having looked at the new edition other than some […]
Robot Wars
This is my life now. I reviewed Lost, 24 and really should get round to writing a review of Ground Force. My ‘friends’ have seen this and decided that I’m the bad charity shop licensed game reviewer, so I was sent Robot Wars: The Game, to review. Thanks, Glen. At first, I thought what most […]
Secret Hitler
Are you good at bluffing and lying? I’m not. I’m bloody awful at it. I have tried to play poker, but it really should be named ‘who would like to have some of Adam’s money?’ My first attempt at Skull ended up with me crashing and burning in the most spectacular way imaginable. And Werewolf […]
WDR Silver
Back in the heady days of early 2016, we published a review for Tinkerbot Games Kickstarter project Ghostel. Well here we are in the fresh new car smelling 2017 and don’t you know it but the finished game has materialised on my door mat. So this seems the perfect time to go take another look […]
Cape Horn
Adam is all at sea with Cape Horn. Yep he’s been in the bargain bin again.. Everyone knows I love both a bargain. Moreover, I love an obscure game that I can pick up at a bargain price and hopefully get a good bit of play out of. Having been previously rewarded with games like […]
Ghostel – Kickstarter Preview
WDR Silver
Did you ever sit and ponder, where did those cheeky ghost chappies from Pac-Man get too? Well, now we know. Tired of being Waka Waka Waka’d by that greedy yellow hockey puck they packed up their sheets and moved to Creepstone Manor to start henchghosting for some Tony Soprano type Don ghost called Spookie. Ghostel […]
Race To The North Pole
WDR Silver
The North Pole. Throughout history, someone’s been galloping around in snow and ice trying to be the first one there, its part of the human condition, well at least before the invention of the iPhone. The most well-documented race occurred between Cook and Peary in the 1900’s in truth race is a bit of a […]
Room 25
WDR Bronze
This is one that had been on my radar since its release and finally I managed to get a play in at the recent UK Games EXPO courtesy of Geraint one half of Going Half On Games, we assembled a rabble of detritus from the UK’s gaming media folks consisting of Nate & Ben from […]
Forbidden Desert
WDR Silver
Matt Leacock designer of Pandemic, Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert seems like a nice enough chap, I can only assume he was picked on as a child, maybe he always lost those family games of Monopoly. The reason for this? Well take a look at his board game output it resembles a 70’s disaster movie […]
WDR Gold Essential
If a board game can be defined as such a thing as a sleeper hit then I think Mysterium is one, originally published by Portal Games back in 2013 this has long flown under the gamer radar. I personally didn’t know of its existence until rumblings started to emanate from Essen this year and swiftly […]