Betrayal at House on the Hill

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 30, 2016
You’re part way through a horror movie with an ensemble of characters exploring a creepy mansion, getting little hints of the greater evil lurking in the shadows. Then, all of a sudden there’s a revelation… the friendly doctor was working with the monster all along. Things go from a crawl to a manic race in […]

A Study In Emerald – 2nd Edition

by Mike Bon March 7, 2016
WDR Silver
What initially drew me to this was not designer Martin Wallace criminally this was my first sampling of his work, but rather its inspiration from the short story by Neil Gaiman. Gaiman’s tale collides the worlds of Doyles Holmes with Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos into the sort of thing to get any self-respecting geek into a […]

Pints of Blood

by Mike Bon October 21, 2015
Can you see any Zombies out there? Nah. Oh, wait there’s one. Pints of Blood shuffles to join the hoards of zombie board games by attempting something fresh. But is it the recently deceased still pink from the morgue or a fetid walker with an air freshener around its neck? What we have here is […]


by Mike Bon June 17, 2015
WDR Silver
The backstory of Chaosmos sounds a little something like a coke addled 80’s movie producer could have concocted during a lunch time pitch meeting, it probably would have gone something like this. “These crazy looking aliens are tear-assing across the cosmos frantically searching for the Ovoid, this strange alien egg critter. You see the universe […]

Imperial Settlers

by Mike Bon January 25, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
My first introduction to Civ games was the granddaddy of em all Sid Meir’s Civilization. And oh my! have I whiled away countless hours chasing that next wonder or shiny new tech, its like historical crack. I’ve circled Fantasy Flights lavish board game adaptation like a seagull over a ham sandwich but I just couldn’t […]

Fresco Big Box

by Ben Hendyon September 16, 2014
WDR Silver
The Renaissance, a glorious and romantic period in human history; a time over-flowing with creativity; a period which saw the production of some of the greatest works of art of all time: Michelangelo’s David and the Sistine Chapel, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper and Mona Lisa, Donatello’s Saint John The Baptist and Saint John The […]

Ivor The Engine

by Mike Bon July 21, 2014
WDR Bronze
Sshush KaChuff! Ivor the engine is one of those warm childhood memories that sort of settles there all sweet and gooey like marshmallow’s on hot chocolate. I recall from childhood impatiently waiting for John Cravens newsround to get done with all his grown up news malarkey so I could catch up with the further adventures […]

Frankenstein’s Bodies

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
I love Hammer movies don’t you? I grew up on the old Peter Cushing Frankenstein movies so when I was lucky enough to get get my hands on a preview copy of Frankenstein’s bodies I lunged at the chance. This looked to have everything ghoulish and horrid that I loved about those creaky old films, […]

Chainsaw Warrior

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Bronze
Travel back in time my friends to the 1980’s. The golden age of action horror movies, muscle-bound heroes and bad hair (all three are in fine form in They Live). Released in 1987 by Games Workshop Chainsaw Warrior was an instant no-brainer. Essentially this is a John Carpenter movie in a box, minus Kurt Russel. […]