Da Vinci Code
It’s been a while since I’ve played a bad licensed board game from a charity shop. I actually don’t have many left on my stack and hid them so that I would forget they existed. Unfortunately my blissful ignorance wasn’t to last and here I am, reviewing the Da Vinci Code board game. Unlike Robot […]
Robot Wars
This is my life now. I reviewed Lost, 24 and really should get round to writing a review of Ground Force. My ‘friends’ have seen this and decided that I’m the bad charity shop licensed game reviewer, so I was sent Robot Wars: The Game, to review. Thanks, Glen. At first, I thought what most […]
A warning to passing travellers for your safety contained below within the secret passages is a deeper look into our SeaFall experience. Be warned these rarely trodden paths are treacherous and filled with the most heinous spoilers…OK look if you don’t want your SeaFall campaign to be ruined don’t click the bloody things, just so […]
Warhammer Quest Silver Tower
I love the original Warhammer Quest. I mean really, really love it. I’ve even written about how much I love it on Prepare For Boarding (did you spot the shameless plug? I think it was pretty subtle). So when Games Workshop announced they were releasing a new version set in the Age of Sigmar universe, […]