Board Game

Flamme Rouge

by Mike Bon October 20, 2016
WDR Silver
Cycling… Not really all that exciting is it? I’ve done it, I mean its like riding a bike. Right? So when I was first approached about the idea of taking a look at the new cycling game by Asger Harding Granerud designer of 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crises I was all like yeah OK, […]

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

by Adam Won October 10, 2016
I love the original Warhammer Quest. I mean really, really love it. I’ve even written about how much I love it on Prepare For Boarding (did you spot the shameless plug? I think it was pretty subtle). So when Games Workshop announced they were releasing a new version set in the Age of Sigmar universe, […]

Judge Dredd The Board Game

by Mike Bon October 6, 2016
WDR Bronze
Judge Dredd is one of my earliest hobby game purchases from way back in 1982, it was the golden age of Games Workshop in the UK they had a blockbusting run of stone cold classics during that decade. There was Dungeon Quest, Rogue Trooper, Talisman, Chainsaw Warrior, Cosmic Encounter, Fury of Dracula, Warrior Knights and […]

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 31, 2016
You’re both trapped in a small shack by the beach, a mob outside have sent out a crazed one of their number to draw you out. One of you is already hurt and trying to decode a puzzle while the other’s flailing wildly with a fire axe. Finally, the maniac drops to the floor, dead. […]

XCOM: The Board Game

by Mike Bon August 25, 2016
WDR Silver
With the announcement from FFG that we’d finally be getting an expansion XCOM: Evolution, I was inspired to pluck this one back off the shelf where it’s languished for most of the last year. Having now vigorously revisited this, I’m rather glad I didn’t write this review on my initial close encounter, time has, in […]

24: The DVD Board Game

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 18, 2016
Charlie continues his misadventures in terrible licensed games. For the record I did not ask him to do this and had I been aware of this behaviour beforehand I would have staged an intervention. Mike B Charity shops sometimes cough up interesting games you wouldn’t have noticed before. Other times they barf out a pile of […]


by Adam Won August 16, 2016
Frag – the first person shooter board game. If ever there was a game where the concept was a simple one, this is it. Its tagline says it all ‘If it moves, shoot it.’ Produced by Steve Jackson Games, with the original edition released in 2001, the game channels classic old-school First Person Shooters. This […]