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Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice 2nd Edition

by on January 20, 2016
The Good

It comes with so much gamer bling its almost rude. There's that 3D Ring and all those standees and dice and belts! oh my!
Its quick to teach, easy to grasp and never outstays its welcome.

The Bad

This is silly fun, and you need to embrace that to really enjoy this game fully.
Anyone looking for deep strategic play is going to be disappointed.

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Summing Up

This is a riotously great heap of dice chucking joy. Its doesn't take itself seriously at all and neither should you. If you've played King of Toyko and enjoyed that then this equally as great with the same easy to grasp play but with an altogether more bizarre and uproarious theme. This is best played loudly with your fun meter turned all the way up to 11.


In the recent Christmas episode, one of our guests was the wonderfully cuddly Mark Rivera, designer of this very game, I was shocked nay embarrassed to spot that we hadn’t reviewed the second edition of Luchador!

Just how this miscarriage of justice came to be I’m not sure my original has seen countless plays, two replacements (I gifted one to friend, the other I mislaid at a game convention) and is just a box of unadulterated loopy joy.

I’ve already reviewed the first edition and my love for this quirky rattly box of random delights has diminished not one iota. And with the arrival of its bigger brasher and more sexy sequel how could I not return to the mat.

2016-01-20 12.40.48For those unaccustomed to Luchador! Then you need only know that its serendipity and more than a taco full of mucho mojo that Mexican Wrestling would combine with that of a dice game into what is the equivalent of a super suplex, slamming the concept belly first quivering onto the mat before prancing around the ring to a victorious jaunty theme.

2016-01-20 12.41.54It’s a celebration of Ameritrashy fun and the second edition escalates things to ludicrous levels of excess by adding cardboard standees for the wrestlers and a 3D ring for your epic bouts to take place. It’s the perfect garnish to this bursting burrito of knockabout silly, I mean c’mon the box says its Mexican Wrestling Dice what on earth were you expecting.

luch2Another welcome addition in this outing is advanced rules that equip each wrestler with their own unique moves and powers mixing up the play and adding a pleasant crunch to proceedings. These combined with the new match types means there’s a way to play to suit whatever situation you find yourself in be it a relaxed cream tea or chaotic mosh pit of a kids birthday party.

luch1Luchador! is a light dice chucking game of silliness that is only further enhanced by those involved letting the spirit of the game possess them and unleashing their inner Luchador, it thrives on loud and outrageous behaviour and a willingness to just have fun, humbugs and Euro players need not apply.

This is a fantastic introduction to modern themed gaming, it caters to all ages and always guarantees an audience due to its attention-grabbing components and the good-natured raucousness generated by a group caught up in the experience. And frankly, you have to be some kind of Zurramato if you don’t enjoy it and should Ve a chuparle el peson ha un chango!

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