
by Mike Bon August 9, 2016
WDR Bronze
Scythe was massively hyped even before hitting Kickstarter and unsurprisingly proceeded to smash through its initial funding goal in a matter of hours, going on to be really rather popular. Little has subsequently diminished the frenzy of hyperbole leading up to its release. It’s the cardboard equivalent of a summer blockbuster. Scythe represents Jamey Stegmaier’s […]

Star Wars Rebellion

by Mike Bon July 8, 2016
WDR Silver
Casting a shadow over the gaming table larger than a star destroyer chasing down a Corellian Corvette at full throttle Rebellion’s box is no moon its a well it’s a colossal box. Considering that Star Wars fever is at full froth are its contents strong with the force or have FFG given us a bait […]

Blood Rage

by Mike Bon November 30, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
I’ve had a love-hate affair with Cool Mini or Not while it can’t be argued that their games offer an abundance of glorious trinkets I’ve found them often lacking in anything substantial. Zombicide for all of its multi-million dollar success is essentially a box jammed with great looking minitures in search of a set of […]

Star Wars Imperial Assault

by Mike Bon March 5, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
Dum, de duh doo, dah doo dada dee da! Ah yes even now when I hear those masterful notes from John Williams epic Star Wars scores I get all a quiver. Its a vast universe ripe with possibility and adventure which disappointingly many of the board and card games licensed from the films have been […]

Imperial Settlers

by Mike Bon January 25, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
My first introduction to Civ games was the granddaddy of em all Sid Meir’s Civilization. And oh my! have I whiled away countless hours chasing that next wonder or shiny new tech, its like historical crack. I’ve circled Fantasy Flights lavish board game adaptation like a seagull over a ham sandwich but I just couldn’t […]

Apocalypse:Galactic Arena – Preview

by Mike Bon September 18, 2014
Note that this based on a pre-release version of the game and the finished components and rules may differ, but it’ll still be cool. You remember that episode of Star Trek, the one with the Shat drop kicking the big green lizard dude and getting his shirt torn (the Gorn for those discerning trek types) […]


by Mike Bon August 4, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
Kemet is a very fighty game. Its the equivalent of that kid who was always in trouble at school you know the one, used to sit in the back of class and punch random classmates, that’s when he wasn’t doing things to girls near the bike sheds that we wouldn’t know about until the following […]

Small World

by Mike Bon July 2, 2014
WDR Bronze
Small world is light but fun territory control war game. Its main selling point is the randomness of the races you will be battling with each turn. And it comes with all the quality components you would expect of Days Of Wonder.

Risk Legacy

by Mike Bon July 2, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
A one of a kind gaming experience, this is a game you will return too again and again until you've exhausted all of this amazing boxes hidden delights. And then you can just stare at it and remember all the fun you had getting there.