WDR TV – Dungeon Degenerates Review

by Mike Bon November 12, 2020
WDR Gold Essential
  Mike channels his inner degenerate in this rollicking “Metal” fantasy RPG board game! Lets journey together into the rancid sausage strewn realms of Goblinko’s Dungeon Degenerates and capture a sex dwarf! Get it here –…  

Lord of the Rings : Journeys In Middle Earth

by Mike Bon July 17, 2019
Well we finally got around to finishing our review of Lord of the Rings : Journeys in Middle Earth. Go fourth and indulge yourselves. We need to talk about FFG. FFG’s catalog has always been drawn to licensed games running parallel to their in-house concoctions of bombast and spectacle like Twilight Imperium or Descent. For […]

Village Attacks

by Mike Bon July 14, 2018
WDR Silver
Here’s our review of Grimlord Games Village Attacks a tower defense game festooned with mini’s and mayhem!  


by Mike Bon May 15, 2018
WDR Gold Essential
So Gloomhaven, its an epic sprawling dungeon crawl board game with RPG allusions housed in a box capable of killing a planet if hurled at it from orbit. It went from being Kickstarter’s best-kept secret to subsequently last years biggest regret prompting a multi-million dollar funded second printing. More recently it was heralded as the […]

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

by Adam Won October 10, 2016
I love the original Warhammer Quest. I mean really, really love it. I’ve even written about how much I love it on Prepare For Boarding (did you spot the shameless plug? I think it was pretty subtle). So when Games Workshop announced they were releasing a new version set in the Age of Sigmar universe, […]

Talisman 4th Edition

by Mike Bon April 7, 2016
Let’s play Talisman. It’s a phrase when uttered in gaming circles will either materialise hazy half-remembrances of wasted Sunday afternoons and dreamy expressions, send a gamer screaming from the room or get you punched. On the button pushing scale of gaming, it’s up there with other marmite flavoured delights such as Munchkin, Cards Against Humanity […]

Blood Rage

by Mike Bon November 30, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
I’ve had a love-hate affair with Cool Mini or Not while it can’t be argued that their games offer an abundance of glorious trinkets I’ve found them often lacking in anything substantial. Zombicide for all of its multi-million dollar success is essentially a box jammed with great looking minitures in search of a set of […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Ah the 80’s that bygone age of big hair, bigger shoulder pads and florescent clothing. 1989 was a standout year giving us some great movies Lethal Weapon 2, Burton’s Batman and Back to the future 2 some pretty cool tunes, Nirvana’s Bleach, The Stone Roses all of them classics, it also gave us the […]