Star Wars Rebellion
WDR Silver
Casting a shadow over the gaming table larger than a star destroyer chasing down a Corellian Corvette at full throttle Rebellion’s box is no moon its a well it’s a colossal box. Considering that Star Wars fever is at full froth are its contents strong with the force or have FFG given us a bait […]
WDR Silver
Like Omar Sharif’s entrance in Lawrence of Arabia, Ominoes has slowly materialised on the horizon building a palpable sense of anticipation and fascination as it took as damn well long as it pleased getting here. And then the other day completely unannounced the bloody thing just dropped on my door mat, Whizzer! Ominoes is the […]
Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice 2nd Edition
WDR Silver
In the recent Christmas episode, one of our guests was the wonderfully cuddly Mark Rivera, designer of this very game, I was shocked nay embarrassed to spot that we hadn’t reviewed the second edition of Luchador! Just how this miscarriage of justice came to be I’m not sure my original has seen countless plays, two […]
Ghostel – Kickstarter Preview
WDR Silver
Did you ever sit and ponder, where did those cheeky ghost chappies from Pac-Man get too? Well, now we know. Tired of being Waka Waka Waka’d by that greedy yellow hockey puck they packed up their sheets and moved to Creepstone Manor to start henchghosting for some Tony Soprano type Don ghost called Spookie. Ghostel […]
Pandemic Legacy Season 1 – No Spoilers
WDR Gold Essential
Lets set aside for a moment the grinding of teeth and ridiculous caterwauling that has emerged since this game topped the BGG rankings as that’s a discussion for another time. Instead, let us ponder as to why it’s justifiably had this adoration lavished upon it and why it’s every bit as good as you might […]
Pints of Blood
Can you see any Zombies out there? Nah. Oh, wait there’s one. Pints of Blood shuffles to join the hoards of zombie board games by attempting something fresh. But is it the recently deceased still pink from the morgue or a fetid walker with an air freshener around its neck? What we have here is […]
Race To The North Pole
WDR Silver
The North Pole. Throughout history, someone’s been galloping around in snow and ice trying to be the first one there, its part of the human condition, well at least before the invention of the iPhone. The most well-documented race occurred between Cook and Peary in the 1900’s in truth race is a bit of a […]
Risk: Star Wars Edition
WDR Silver
Force Friday saw Hasbro spewing a bloated heap of board games slapped with the Star Wars mantle all over the shelves. I’ve sifted through the congealed remnants and unsurprisingly most are terrible, slapdash cash grabs. However, glittering amongst this slurry of mediocrity is one gem Star Wars Risk. Now before you come over all Ackbar, […]
WDR Silver
The backstory of Chaosmos sounds a little something like a coke addled 80’s movie producer could have concocted during a lunch time pitch meeting, it probably would have gone something like this. “These crazy looking aliens are tear-assing across the cosmos frantically searching for the Ovoid, this strange alien egg critter. You see the universe […]
WDR Bronze
Alchemists was one of the big hits from Essen 2014 with much ballyhoo concerning its reliance on an app to play. I was intrigued, not only by the apps inclusion (it did sound quite cool) but generally from what the game pertained to be, a heady concoction of deduction and worker placement all bottled together […]