Posts Tagged ‘kickstarter’

Board Game News On September 10 2014

by Mike Bon September 10, 2014
Its September! Its nearly half way through September!! Who’s stealing my time, it was only July last week. Ignoring my tenuous  grip on the space time continuum lets push on. New Game Releases. OK so its that post Gen Con time of year, which basically means that gamer’s are broke, there will be on average […]

The Who Dares Rolls PodInterview 1 – Phillip duBarry and Skyway Robbery

by Mike Bon September 9, 2014
Greetings all, Here’s a new regular feature that I want to start to roll out, a series of interviews with designers and other cool and key people in this marvelous world of tabletop gaming. We’ve been conducting these already but they’ve been embedded among the podcast’s and they are protracting them to epic length and […]

Board Game News On 1st September 2014

by Mike Bon September 1, 2014
Its September already! Seems like the summer barely started and now were slouching towards the festive season. On the plus side that means loads of cool new games a soon to start dropping on doormats everywhere. Still it seems almost pointless posting on today. Pretty much the entirety of the internet is obsessing over The […]

Board Game News on Monday 21 July 2014

by Mike Bon July 21, 2014
Yikes! here we are again another week trundles by like a fat lad going downhill on a skateboard, which also means we’re another week closer to Gen Con, that time of year where everyone’s wallets get a lot lighter and our shelves a lot fuller. It also means that we are in that pre-Gen Con […]

Board Game News on Tuesday 15th July.

by Mike Bon July 15, 2014
Well that was another week then, where the heck did that go? Well I suppose we had better get on to some news worthy nuggets.         First up, the Spiel Des Jahres did their thing yesterday morning, I attempted to work out what was going on from the live stream but they […]

Board Game News On Monday 7th July.

by Mike Bon July 7, 2014
Greetings and salutations on this fine Monday, and so with the usual irregularity I will attempt to offer you some nuggets worthy of news. With this post finding us plummeting happily into the big CON season actual proper exciting news is going to be on short supply, most publishers develop release constipation about now and […]

Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice. 1st Edition

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Luchador! And you really need to shout that in a terrible faux Mexican accent to seriously get into the spirit of this crazy as a box full of rabid weevils dice game. Is such a simple game, its one of those blindingly obvious ideas that you table slam yourself for the very obviousness of it, […]

Frankenstein’s Bodies

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
I love Hammer movies don’t you? I grew up on the old Peter Cushing Frankenstein movies so when I was lucky enough to get get my hands on a preview copy of Frankenstein’s bodies I lunged at the chance. This looked to have everything ghoulish and horrid that I loved about those creaky old films, […]

Lords Of War – Templars V’s Undead

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Well its been a grudge match long in the offing and so finally the forces of good and evil will meet on the field of battle to settle the score in Black Box’s latest edition to the Lords of War franchise, Templars Versus Undead. We’re fans here at WDR of the Lords Of War series, […]

Board Game News In The Week.

by Mike Bon June 24, 2014
Greetings! Well its another week and its the news at a jaunty irregular time, we rolled the random cubic generator and decided on TODAY! was a good day to do.. News. How do you like Zombies? That was a yes wasn’t it. Well in yet another attempt to drain the last remaining vestiges of puss […]