Its September! Its nearly half way through September!! Who’s stealing my time, it was only July last week. Ignoring my tenuous grip on the space time continuum lets push on.
New Game Releases.
OK so its that post Gen Con time of year, which basically means that gamer’s are broke, there will be on average at least two really great games released a week between now and Christmas and already my wallet has hidden beneath the sofa and won’t come out, its sat there rocking like a Hamster at a Pet Shop Boys after-show party.
My picks of releases this week are
Diamonds from Stronghold Games. Designed by Mike Fitzgerald. Its a simple trick taking game, but gathered a lot of buzz at Gen Con. It looks like a great filler game that can be played by anyone. Love these style of games and got my order in as soon as it went up for sale. Expect a review to follow soon. And at around £16 a punt its a steal.
Doomtown:Reloaded from AEG. A buffed up reissue of the old DoomTowen CCG but now reincarnated as a LCG. It’s had some strong word of mouth and looks great. Personally I’m holding out for Fantasy Flights Warhammer Conquest, but if your a fan of the steam punk western theme then this is supposed to be a pretty deep and enthralling game. And there’s also a really cool collectors edition, but that’s really expensive.
Heroes Wanted – Its a superhero board game with Euro overtones and an entertaining party game all rolled into one. We’ve played this and it’s a whole lot of fun. Loads of combinations of heroes to create and numerous scenarios to play in, this has a bat cave full of replayability and comes recommended. Look for a review soon.
Pathfinder Card Game:Skull & Shackles – Its the second campaign following last years Runelords. I was late to the party and have been holding out for this to be released and it has Pirates yaar! Its on my list and will certainly be nabbing this at some point.
Phew and that’s just this week. Upcoming over the rest of September are: four more Netrunner Data Packs, Dead Of Winter, King Of New York,Machi Koro,Uncanny X-Men-Dicemasters, More Smash Up, Warhammer Conquest,Firefly:Blue Sun. And there just some of the big titles. Man its going to be an expensive and busy few months.
Gaming News
So what gems have we unearthed this week.
To commemorate the 5th birthday of Castle Panic Fireside Games will be holding a goggle hangout with the games designer Justin De Witt on September 13.Justin will be sharing early artwork and design concepts for Castle Panic, as well as talking about his future plans for expansions to the game. Click the link for more info
In related news Queen Games have just launched a Kickstarter for Orcs Orcs Orcs why you may ask is this in any way linked to the Castle Panic news. Well take a look at the two photo’s below.
Hmm So Queen games looks like a pimped up version of Castle Panic, it has some great looking components, but in all honesty I can’t see a lot of major differences other than that. There hasn’t been any official statements yet from either party, but if I was Fireside games I’d be knocking on Queen Games wizards tower like a hoard of angry Goblins asking what the snoogins they are playing at. We’re be keeping an eye on this and let you know of any further developments.
CGE have just announced that they are splitting from Z-Man and Rio-Grande current distribution partners for a heap of their titles and going it alone. First up is a planned re-issue of the Vlaada Chvatil’s Tash Kalar with a much lower price point, released at last years Essen it’s seen disappointing sales following a ridiculous RRP set by Z-man. We’re also be getting an Ice themed expansion at Spiel this year. Its all good news for us over in the UK, we should see more OOP titles available and hopefully with much lower price points.
Days Of Wonder have announced a new expansion for Small World. A Spiders Web – This will include 3 news races and 3 new powers to add to this fun and light game of genocide. We’re also be getting a reprint of the long OOP Leaders expansion, so that’s all gravy.
These will be available at Essen in October.
Well if all of that wasn’t enough there are some exciting happenings over on Kickstarter. First up and a bit of an exclusive launching today is King Down coming from Saar Shai the designer of last years excellent The Agents.
King Down is a strategic game incorporating miniatures for 2-4 players. Described as ‘the prequel to Chess’, King Down incorporates age-old, intricate and fascinating mechanics from ‘the Game of Kings’ but breaks all the rules by re-imagining the classic pieces, introducing brand new characters, and including new spell cards, strategies, tactics and win conditions. King Down is a brand new game that will stand the test of time and last the ages.

Spirit of 77 is an over-the-top, pedal-to-the-metal, nitro-burning, action adventure role playing game about an alternate history 1977. Richard Nixon has made a deal with aliens, and is still in the White House; renegade rock gods from another galaxy have shared with us the power of Glam; kung-fu bad-asses wander the city streets righting wrongs, and everyone is trying to stick it to The Man.
Spirit of 77 is about recreating all the classic action and adventure TV shows, Movies, and Comic Books of the 1970s. It draws inspiration from movies like Shaft, Smokey and the Bandit, The Warriors, Barbarella, Rocky, and Enter the Dragon; TV shows like The Dukes of Hazard, The Bionic Man, The Rockford Files, and Charlies Angels; and music like James Brown, KISS, David Bowie, Jerry Reed, and Issac Hayes.

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