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The Who Dares Rolls PodInterview 1 – Phillip duBarry and Skyway Robbery

by on September 9, 2014

Greetings all,

Here’s a new regular feature that I want to start to roll out, a series of interviews with designers and other cool and key people in this marvelous world of tabletop gaming. We’ve been conducting these already but they’ve been embedded among the podcast’s and they are protracting them to epic length and although I can’t understand why, some of you might not want to sit through hours of our drivel to get to the good stuff.

So here we have for your audio pleasure the  first in a continuing series.

SkywayI had the pleasure of catching up with Philip duBarry an all round great chap and designer of some sweet games including Revolution, Canalis and Kingdom Of Soloman we met up for a quick word on his latest project something dear to his heart and a game that should be on your radars, Skyway Robbery.

skyway-with-cardsSkyway Robbery is his new game set in a cool steam punk universe with some incredible art and design, you take the role of a criminal mastermind out to bring some robin hood style justice by assembling the best gang of profession criminals and conducting daring robberies aboard airships, of course its not that easy as all the while your rivals are trying to do the same and bring you down.

Skyway Robbery is funding on Kickstarter right now to help you out here’s a link. It already has some great word of mouth, but enough of my rubbish  go listen to what Philip has to say below.

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