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Board Game News On 1st September 2014

by on September 1, 2014

Its September already! Seems like the summer barely started and now were slouching towards the festive season.

On the plus side that means loads of cool new games a soon to start dropping on doormats everywhere.

Still it seems almost pointless posting on today. Pretty much the entirety of the internet is obsessing over The Fappening, however not to be outdone by Jennifer Lawrence and her talents I shall press onwards.

So News!

asmodee logoWell the big board game news to come this week is the acquiring of Days Of Wonder by Asmodee, Days Of Wonder as most will know are the publisher of Ticket To Ride, Shadows Over Camelot & Smallworld all part of a success story that’s helped them to net somewhere in the region of $20 million annually. This is exciting news for a couple of reason’s, it’ll give Asmodee a serious foothold on the US market and with their strong ties to some of the big name stores over here it could see DOW stock heading to the UK highstreet and thus getting some excellent games to a wider audience. I’m excited to see how this plays out and can’t see any negatives to this story.

Coming up this week I’ll be recording a new episode of the podcast, in this one we’re be tackling a review of Dead Of Winter, something of a WDR favorite this one has returned to the table more times than last Christmases Turkey. Look for more of the usual banter and uninformed and belligerent discussion you’ve come to expect. And hopefully we can survive another jaunt through Death Trap dungeon.

Lords of warBut there’s more, I’ve lined up an interview with Martin Vaux from Black Box Games, the UK designers and publishers of the excellent and award winning  Lords Of War series, hopefully I can get Martin to spill their plans for next wave of packs and what the future holds for Black Box. I’m a huge fan of this series and the stunning art by Steve Cox, so if you’ve any burning questions or desires drop me a tweet and I’ll see what I can do. https://twitter.com/WhoDaresRolls


So whats new with Kickstarter this week, well actually bloody lots. I’ve taken to squinting at it from afar these days or I’ll have to remortgage the house. However never one to shy away from a challenge here are a few choice nuggets that I’ve seen.

eminence1eminence2First up is actually an IOS title. Its Eminence:Xander’s Tales. I’ve been watching the development of this for a while. What we get here is a CCG crossed with MMO, this has looked so cool for so loong. Anyone looking at the game shots will no doubt get some pretty heavy FinalFantasy VII and Zelda vibes. I dig that you can steal cards in combat with other players by winning which adds a nice element of peril to combat. And the whole package is a well put together and swish bit of design.  They are looking for $50,000 and already a fifth of the way along, so get in now and I’ll see you on the field of battle.


dragon tidesNext up is some kung fu fighting , high kicking mayhem. Dragon Tides is a miniatures action game, it looks to be a sort of kung fu zombicide with a side order of deep fried Descent. It features the licensed likenesses of Bruce and Brandon lee as well as a whole video shop of recognizable 80’s chopsocky action stars. We’re watching how this develops its still early days but its something that has definitely peaked our interest.

Skyway-RobberyAnd finally there is Skyway Robbery  a heist game but with a difference as your a steam punk Danny Ocean on a airship attempting to pull off audacious robberies whilst avoiding your fellow competitors. It looks stunning with some amazing art and design and has started to get some great buzz. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to see how this plays in the coming weeks and if it plays as well as it looks this is one we’re be adding to the pile.



And finally, finally. In the you’d be better off giving me your cash catergory I bring you….

photo-mainGalactile Galatic Supremacy – is it just me or did they pick three words out of a hat to name this? Well these idiots.. sorry game designers want $75,000 to give you this epic space adventure, unfortunately they don’t have either the vocabulary or it appears a spell checker to tell you this so we get.

Galactile is a game about capturing and conquer solar system with the help of your armada and strategy. Easy to learn and play.

Whats more worrying for just $15 they are promising to deliver to you a PC version of this game. Hmm warning Will Robinson, Warning!!

But what about the game you may ask, well you might as well go on doing that because they aren’t telling.

If you were in anyway still contemplating backing this?? I give you this as definitive proof of they’re Penile Dicklactic Stupidity

Risks and challenges

Steps for the project to go forward
– game design ( waiting for demo )
– demo ( waiting for founds )
– game fixes ( waiting for play tests)
– play tests ( playability, pieces quantities )
– production
everything will be done if founds raised, including the pc version and rewards

And with that still fouling up our gaming taste buds like a week old turd on your tonsils I bid you adieu.


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