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Board Game News on Monday 21 July 2014

by on July 21, 2014

Yikes! here we are again another week trundles by like a fat lad going downhill on a skateboard, which also means we’re another week closer to Gen Con, that time of year where everyone’s wallets get a lot lighter and our shelves a lot fuller. It also means that we are in that pre-Gen Con stage, think of this a bit like local news time when the highlight might be a surfboarding squirrel or a tale of heart warming drear. Still we will intend to come up with something worthy of your attention, and we’ve been sifting through great big heaps interweb blurgh in the hope of filtering out the occasional shiny news nugget.

And with that thought rattling in our brain cavities how about this:

shadowrun-crossfire_prd0kiCrossfire-CharacterPack_DemoBox-225x300Shadow Run:Cross fire is the latest bit of Shadow Run goodness, to be honest I’ve only ever played the old SNES RPG (which was a lot of fun) and I do enjoy the world, sort of cyberpunk meets World of Warcraft. Crossfire is a deck builder/LCG thing, that utilizes a similar idea to pathfinder in that you level your characters up, and build them by sticking stickers on your player card. It looks interesting, but with the current glut of this stuff not certain if I’ve the time or inclination to give it more than a cursory look.

Still if this does interest you Catalyst games have hidden 15 pdf easter eggs for the cards and rules across hobby game sites for you to hunt down and bag yourself a copy of the game. Interested go check out their page.


WHK01-box-leftAnd keeping to the card game news Fantasy Flight have released some more images from their forthcoming LCG set in the Warhammer 40K universe Conquest. If i’m going to dive on one of these new games it’ll probably be this as I do love the 40K world, I’ve long since retired my miniatures gaming passion but this might scratch that particular itch without requiring me to remortgage the house.

WHK01-cardfan conquest-cardsThey do look awful pretty.

Expect this to hit 3rd quarter this year and I imagine it will make a bit of a splash at Gen Con.

And that’s about us for the news, told you it was a tad light out there, however as is the way Kickstarter is blooming with a heap of projects here’s a couple that caught my interest.

de9e3dd3c6d65b7160e611afe99b469a_largeIndie Boards & Cards have just posted 2 x Expansions for The Resistance – Hidden Agenda & Hostile Intent. These collect some of the promo’s and rolls from Resistance Avalon and re-theme them for the Resistance universe, they also come with a bunch of new roles that look to shake up the original game, giving different victory conditions, the option to switch sides and the old favorite assassinate another character. This being kickstarter pledge now to get a couple of kickstarter only rewards.

The Resistance is a cracking hidden role and deduction party game and well worth seeking out and is a firm WDR favorite. Go check out the kickstarter page for more details.






Another one for you Sci-Fi Fan’s is Factions a sort of summoners War’s with ray gun’s. The art is pretty sweet on this and does look to be attempting something a little different and offers both a entry level game for the beginner and a deeper level of strategy for the hardened board gamer. It has reasonably priced levels and is EU friendly, so if this appeals you might want to take a look.

Plus you get loads of goodies in the box.




And now the pit of horror. For your delectation I offer you:


Razor GirlsRazor Girls. The Pirelli calendar to RPG’s if Pirelli picked up their talent from porn shoots or trailer parks.

The video for this piece of high art boldly shouts out “Real Swords” “Real Girls” “Real Fantasy” it appears to be missing “Fake Tit’s”

If Porn Hub is down I suppose it’s worth a punt.



And finally this is more a bit of a moan. I’m all for peep’s spreading the board gaming love but c’mon guys.

Geekateria want your money to buy a micro-phone to start a you tube channel for board games. Now my issues are many, 1. They have zero content so far, 2 they don’t even have a video on their project page? 3… well they just then expect to get the dosh thrown at them. I know they aren’t asking for much £150, but guess what guys, why don’t you do as much as you can for what you can afford first before going cap in hand, you’ll likely get more chance of funding and people may take you seriously, heck here’s an idea get a bloody job to pay for it?. Having had to create this site on my own out of my own pocket with the resources I had does make projects like this cause me to snarl a tad.

Right let me kick my soap box off out of the way before I get into trouble.

Lot’s of stuff incoming.

Next week I hope to get some more reviews rattled off, Hopefully Kemet if I can get a couple more plays in before then.

Also we are heading into our Birthday celebrations and I’m currently compiling some appropriately themed content including a bumper podcast complete with some special guests, and trust me these are real people not my mum or some bloke I bumped into at the pub the other night.



As its Monday don’t forget it’s Board Game Hour Day go to #Boardgamehour and follow and then join in the discussion every Monday at 7pm. You’ll be surprised what you might learn.


Right I think that about wraps us up for another week. Keep playing and having fun and until next time… “something witty &  board game related”

Mike B

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