
Love Letter

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Ah, can you feel it? that warm breeze brushing lightly against your cheek. I’m not talking about great uncle Albert and his explosive flatulence but the first blush of romance as spring nears. Yes its nearly Valentines day and so in a completely non commercial or exploitative bit of media saviness we present to […]

Space Cadets – Dice Duel

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Who hasn’t watched the Wrath Of Kahn and secretly wanted to be on the bridge of the Enterprise barking orders and dodging photon torpedo’s whilst trying to outwit a deranged captain and his crew as you slug it out in a battle of interstellar battleships. Of course you do, well now you can. Space Cadets […]

Spartacus A Game Of Blood & Treachery

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Spartacus – a game of blood & treachery to give it its full moniker was the first game out the gate from Gale Force 9, they had some considerable success last year with Firefly. And after having savored what they did with that license and much Nom! Nom! later I decided to give this a […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
OK so yes this is a game on a computer. Don’t panic this isn’t a sudden departure for the site into video game reviews, but I have been playing this a lot and its at heart a CCG similar to Magic. If you are unaware Hearthstone is Blizzards grab for the online CCG market, pretty […]

Nothing Personal

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Nothing Personal has been on my radar for a while, I mean a gangster game chock full of double crosses, whaking’s, and family infighting who wouldn’t want to play that? Who hasn’t watched the Godfather Movies or Goodfellas and not wanted to dip their gaming toe in those turbulent waters, who doesn’t want to smile […]

Moby Dick or, The Card Game.

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Moby Dick the novel of whaling by Herman Melville has always been something of peculiar interest to me, the book is a strange beast rather like its title character. With its large digressions into the minute of whaling and a barrel full of subtext  it’s not for everyone and for many its a baffling […]

Stak Bots

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Stak Bots is a game I was very recently introduced to by none other than its creator Tom Norfolk. Whilst bumbling around at a game convention Ollie my eldest was rather taken by a large poster depicting the above little colorful and cutesy robots with the tag line “Battling Robots Card Game”. Being a eleven […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Coup premiered at Essen 2012. Designed by Rikki Tahta it went on to be a huge success and pretty soon unfortunately went out of print.  Skip forward to early 2013 and Indie Board & Cards announced that they had picked up the rights to a re-theme and re-print setting it in their Resistance universe, a […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Friends we are travelling back to the golden hued times of bygone gaming, well five years anyway. Released in 2008 Dominion ushered the hugely popular Deck Building mechanic onto the face of modern board gaming, and has since spawned numerous imitators some brilliant and others not so. Its easy to forget now quite what a […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Firefly was a big hit at this summers Gencon 2013 selling out daily during the show and receiving a pretty universal thumbs up from all. Well finally its hitting our shores and so gives me an opportunity to dive into the outer and tell you what I think. First impressions. The box for this thing […]