Paper Pinball

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon September 7, 2018
A solo roll and write game by Metal Snail Idea Workshop I like pinball. It’s not my favourite thing in the world, but I’ve a few pinball style games on my Switch and Xbox One which kill time in a fun way for a little while. There’s something quite satisfying about trying to light up […]


by Mike Bon September 4, 2018
WDR Silver
Heh, so this review should have come out before the Microbrew Kickstarter launched, and I totally, completely intended for that to happen. But life has a way of throwing you the occasional curve ball on this occasion that particular detour was the arrival of son No.3. Babies really don’t have any concept of deadlines, sleep […]

Village Attacks

by Mike Bon July 14, 2018
WDR Silver
Here’s our review of Grimlord Games Village Attacks a tower defense game festooned with mini’s and mayhem!  


by Adam Won June 21, 2018
    It all started back in 1990. A series of articles appeared in White Dwarf about gang warfare in the Warhammer 40,000 universe the system (Confrontation) was a radical departure from anything GW had previously offered. The articles featured the Hive World of Necromunda, its cities towering lawless labyrinthine monstrosities that dominated the polluted […]


by Mike Bon May 15, 2018
WDR Gold Essential
So Gloomhaven, its an epic sprawling dungeon crawl board game with RPG allusions housed in a box capable of killing a planet if hurled at it from orbit. It went from being Kickstarter’s best-kept secret to subsequently last years biggest regret prompting a multi-million dollar funded second printing. More recently it was heralded as the […]

The City of Kings

by Mike Bon April 17, 2018
WDR Gold Essential
Around a year ago I published this very review that you will find below for The City of Kings, it blew me away on my first encounter and went on to do rather well for itself. Well I’m resurrecting my initial thoughts as the reprint for the game plus some new content including more quests, […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon April 17, 2018
Bears! Bears are pretty great. I’ve reviewed Honey Heist and really loved that. Bears can be adorable and deadly in equal measure. In the Who Dares Rolls Podcast 47 I mentioned taking part in the BoardGameGeek UK Maths Trade and getting Bärenpark. My partner heard that I was getting this game and cared about nothing else. […]

Wreck & Ruin

by Mike Bon March 20, 2018
We first encountered Wreck & Ruin at last years EXPO where Tony and Jaime just two of the Hydra-like offshoots of our sinister review operation had experienced a blistering slice of post-apocalyptic mayhem and had loved it! I tried and failed to get a game in at the show as it was proving rather popular […]


by Adam Won February 15, 2018
Thanks to my well-known obsession with all things tabletop, every Christmas my friends and family attempt to outdo themselves by seeing what little gaming gems they can find me. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes I get Liar’s Dice. This year was no exception and with giddy delight, I turned to the neatly wrapped boxes before […]

D Day Dice

by Mike Bon November 18, 2017
As this long out of print and particularly hard to find little devil has recently reemerged on Kickstarter I thought I’d pull out this old review from the vaults. Give it a polish and put it up here in case you missed it the first time. Having looked at the new edition other than some […]