Nemesis Review

by Mike Bon November 20, 2019
WDR Gold Essential
Nemesis is our first encounter with an Awaken Realms game, it did rather well on Kickstarter and is a box oozing with content, miniatures and the opportunity to stitch up your friends. Yes please. Join us as we delve into this monstrous bit of fun and see if anyone can survive.

Lifeform Review

by Mike Bon August 13, 2019
WDR Gold Essential
Lifeform was one of my most anticipated games so to finally see it released into the wild is fantastic. I’ve been tracking it’s development for years, for those unaware of the game its designer Mark Chaplin’s love letter to Alien. And it features all the white knuckle sci-fi horror fun that you’d expect from that […]

The Others

by Mike Bon May 31, 2017
Lets take a look at CMON’s big horror Kickstarter from last year. The Others.

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 31, 2016
You’re both trapped in a small shack by the beach, a mob outside have sent out a crazed one of their number to draw you out. One of you is already hurt and trying to decode a puzzle while the other’s flailing wildly with a fire axe. Finally, the maniac drops to the floor, dead. […]

Betrayal at House on the Hill

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 30, 2016
You’re part way through a horror movie with an ensemble of characters exploring a creepy mansion, getting little hints of the greater evil lurking in the shadows. Then, all of a sudden there’s a revelation… the friendly doctor was working with the monster all along. Things go from a crawl to a manic race in […]

Fury of Dracula 3rd edition

by Mike Bon March 18, 2016
WDR Silver
Fury of Dracula shares much with its fanged protagonist/antagonist it has an eternally youthful demeanour and just when you think its dead, up it pops again with renewed fury and vigour. Originally rising back in the eighties from Games Workshops crypt it was a unique concept meshing theme and mechanics to excellent effect which probably […]

Dead of Winter “Charlie Takes A Bite”

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon October 27, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
DEAD OF WINTER A game of surviving an icy, zombie-filled apocalypse for 2-5 players by Plaid Hat Games, review by Charles Etheridge-Nunn   It’s the middle of winter and you’re alone in an abandoned school, scavenging for supplies. It’s bitterly cold but you made it out this far. Your eyes catch on something metallic, barely […]

Robbie thinks about… Eldritch Horror

by Rob Pennon July 27, 2015
Podcast regular Robbie has decided to put finger to keyboard and offer us his opinions on some of the games he’s been playing. The enormity of this event cannot be understated as usually he only sits in front of a computer monitor for extended periods of time either if porn is involved or his Hearthstone […]

Dead Of Winter

by Mike Bon August 21, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
So here we go again, another bloody zombie game! I understand the eye rolling, the board game market has been flooded with Zombie titles over the last couple of years and disappointingly very few of them have honestly nailed this genre, the one exception being City Of Horror that came pretty close. They all make […]

Zombiecide Season 2 – Prison Outbreak

by Mike Bon July 11, 2014
WDR Silver
I’ve long avoided Zombicide, the price has been one factor it runs into the serious gamer’s budget area making attaining a copy a special treat and less an impulse buy. I’ve occasionally glanced from afar but in all honesty I wasn’t that enticed, sure there are all the great looking mini’s I mean this box […]