Da Vinci Code

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 17, 2019
It’s been a while since I’ve played a bad licensed board game from a charity shop. I actually don’t have many left on my stack and hid them so that I would forget they existed. Unfortunately my blissful ignorance wasn’t to last and here I am, reviewing the Da Vinci Code board game. Unlike Robot […]

Risk: Star Wars Edition

by Mike Bon September 24, 2015
WDR Silver
Force Friday saw Hasbro spewing a bloated heap of board games slapped with the Star Wars mantle all over the shelves. I’ve sifted through the congealed remnants and unsurprisingly most are terrible, slapdash cash grabs. However, glittering amongst this slurry of mediocrity is one gem Star Wars Risk. Now before you come over all Ackbar, […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Ah the 80’s that bygone age of big hair, bigger shoulder pads and florescent clothing. 1989 was a standout year giving us some great movies Lethal Weapon 2, Burton’s Batman and Back to the future 2 some pretty cool tunes, Nirvana’s Bleach, The Stone Roses all of them classics, it also gave us the […]

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Released at the height of Buffy’s fame the buffy the vampire slayer board game is a surprising little box of goodies, it came from Hasbro who are never known for exerting themselves with licensed property’s besides slapping a new set of images on a Monopoly board. This really shouldn’t have been all that good and […]

Risk Legacy

by Mike Bon July 2, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
A one of a kind gaming experience, this is a game you will return too again and again until you've exhausted all of this amazing boxes hidden delights. And then you can just stare at it and remember all the fun you had getting there.