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The UK Games Expo Game Design Hackathon 2018!

by on April 26, 2018

Greetings and salutations one and all.

It’s six weeks till the UK Games EXPO! I’ll let that sink in a bit.

Yep just six measly weeks before we once again will dance that fabulous crazy, thrilling, amazing, exhausting and incredible tango of all that we love squeezed into a paltry 3 days. There’s just too much to do and never enough time.

Well now there’s something else to add to that to do list.

Tinkerbot Games those lovely fellows that brought us the spooktastic Ghostel and Rules of Play have teamed up with the UK Games EXPO to bring you the 24hr Game Design Hackathon!

What is that?

Well its a chance for aspiring game designers either teams or individuals to design a  brand new game using only the components they receive in a box at the beginning of the challenge. Each of these boxes contains identical components, so the teams all have the same starting place. They’ll be provided with a ‘brief’ to design to, and at the end of the challenge they’ll have to pitch their game to a panel of judges in front of an audience.

And if that wasn’t enough there is also a £100 of Rules of Play vouchers up for grabs for the winning entry!

But why Mike I hear you cry are you sharing with us this most wondrous event? Well here’s the best bit! I, that is me your ever humble guide in this cardboard jungle will be one of the judges!

So if any of that has tantalized you (which it most certainly should have) then you can find out all the full details by popping along to HERE.

Don’t delay, time is a ticking. Now I need to brush up on my judging skills I’m off to channel my inner Duncan Bannatyne with a Dragons Den marathon.




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