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Who Dares Rolls 48 – Lifeform interview with designer Mark Chaplin

by on April 19, 2018

Oooh look at us putting out another podcast episode in the same month!

Recently I had the enormous pleasure of sitting down with designer Mark Chaplin to discuss his board game love letter to Alien and 80’s sci-fi horror films Lifeform. We talk about the many influences that helped shape the game the rather exciting sounding solo mode and the challenges of designing a deeply thematic sci-fi horror game.

Lifeform is currently on kickstarter seeking funding and If like me you love the Alien films especially the first then you owe to yourself to check out the project, personally it looks like a unique and thrilling take on the survival horror genre with story a focus and I can’t wait to own it.

This is a mildly truncated version of the full interview as we were pushing hosting limits this month. The full directors cut with even more nerd outs and few other snippets is available to all our Patreon supporters.

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