Posts Tagged ‘lifeform’

Lifeform Review

by Mike Bon August 13, 2019
WDR Gold Essential
Lifeform was one of my most anticipated games so to finally see it released into the wild is fantastic. I’ve been tracking it’s development for years, for those unaware of the game its designer Mark Chaplin’s love letter to Alien. And it features all the white knuckle sci-fi horror fun that you’d expect from that […]

Lifeform Unboxing

by Mike Bon July 25, 2019
Probably my most anticipated game of this year has landed. Let’s see whats in the box shall we.

Who Dares Rolls 48 – Lifeform interview with designer Mark Chaplin

by Mike Bon April 19, 2018
Oooh look at us putting out another podcast episode in the same month! Recently I had the enormous pleasure of sitting down with designer Mark Chaplin to discuss his board game love letter to Alien and 80’s sci-fi horror films Lifeform. We talk about the many influences that helped shape the game the rather exciting […]

Who Dares News – 7 April

by Mike Bon April 7, 2015
In keeping with our recent podcast discussion of all things Kickstarter, here’s something that all would be project creators should certainly take a look at. Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier games has long been posting fascinating blog updates dissecting both his own projects and generally everything that could or can go awry with a kickstarter and […]