Posts Tagged ‘UK Games EXPO’

UK Games Expo 2024 – Roleplaying at UKGE

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 12, 2024
What’s it like roleplaying at UK Games Expo and what kind of things are on offer? Charlie’s been trying several different ways to roleplay at the con.

UK Games Expo 2024 – A First Look at Dark Blood

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 10, 2024
Charlie’s had a first look at Dark Blood, a worker placement game about cultists

UK Games Expo 2024 – Con Diary Part Two

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 8, 2024
Last time I wrote about the day before the con and the first day of it. This time it’s all hits. The Friday felt like Saturdays from previous years, so I knew this was going to be chaotic. Saturday I spent my pre-con time on the phone to my partner and bopping around outside the […]

UK Games Expo 2024 – Con Diary Part One

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 7, 2024
Charlie went to the UK Games Expo and tried to make sense of all the gaming chaos. Here’s how Thursday and Friday went…

WDR3 Live

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 57 – UK Games EXPO Warm UP

by Mike Bon May 27, 2019
   It’s that time of year again in under a week the UK Games EXPO 2019 will be happening! So just to break from the norm we thought that it would be a jolly good idea to record a preview episode to pick out some of the goodness that we will be hoping to see […]

The Who Dares Rolls UK Games Expo 2018 Preview

by Mike Bon May 22, 2018
So its amazingly that time of year again! Already!! We are just a couple of weeks away from this years UK Games EXPO, the best weekend of tabletop gaming you can have. So here is a short video I’ve compiled of all the forthcoming goodness that I’m interested in taking a look at. Which is […]

The UK Games Expo Game Design Hackathon 2018!

by Mike Bon April 26, 2018
Greetings and salutations one and all. It’s six weeks till the UK Games EXPO! I’ll let that sink in a bit. Yep just six measly weeks before we once again will dance that fabulous crazy, thrilling, amazing, exhausting and incredible tango of all that we love squeezed into a paltry 3 days. There’s just too […]

The UK Games EXPO 2017 – Recap

by Mike Bon June 14, 2017
So its all over again for another year. The EXPO is now official a huge event, with more to see each year its getting harder and harder to pick what to stop and look at and what to pass by. Here’s some of my thoughts on the show and a handful of the games that […]

UK Games EXPO Preview Part 2

by Mike Bon May 29, 2017
Of course we missed stuff to see at the show, because its huge! So here’s some more.

UK Games EXPO Preview

by Mike Bon May 26, 2017
Yup! Its our comprehensive video of everything that you should take a gander at while visiting at this years Games EXPO.