Catch the Moon
Catch the Moon is a… Damn. Catch the Moon is an interesting little dexterity game which… Catch the Moon is a dexterity game. And sometimes I wonder why I do these things. I am dyspraxic. Quick comparisons are to having lag between my brain and my body. My spatial coordination is horrendous, as are […]
WDR Silver
Like Omar Sharif’s entrance in Lawrence of Arabia, Ominoes has slowly materialised on the horizon building a palpable sense of anticipation and fascination as it took as damn well long as it pleased getting here. And then the other day completely unannounced the bloody thing just dropped on my door mat, Whizzer! Ominoes is the […]
WDR Silver
Coconuts is a truly silly game. I’m a grown up gamer, I have a dog and a house and a wife and things. I grew a gorram beard, what possible use would I have for a dexterity game involving monkeys flinging poop shaped lumps of brown rubber. I mean really! But it did look a […]
Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice. 1st Edition
WDR Silver
Luchador! And you really need to shout that in a terrible faux Mexican accent to seriously get into the spirit of this crazy as a box full of rabid weevils dice game. Is such a simple game, its one of those blindingly obvious ideas that you table slam yourself for the very obviousness of it, […]
Marvel Dice Masters – Avengers Vs X-Men
WDR Silver
When I first heard about this game I was on the fence, I own Quarriors and whilst fun, it needed the expansions to really fix a game that traded off the fact it contained all those cool dice. So when Wizkids proposed this new Marvel licensed version I kinda suspected more Quarriors with different […]