
Ivor The Engine

by Mike Bon July 21, 2014
WDR Bronze
Sshush KaChuff! Ivor the engine is one of those warm childhood memories that sort of settles there all sweet and gooey like marshmallow’s on hot chocolate. I recall from childhood impatiently waiting for John Cravens newsround to get done with all his grown up news malarkey so I could catch up with the further adventures […]

Firefly The Game – Pirates & Bounty Hunters

by Mike Bon July 14, 2014
WDR Silver
Firefly The Game hit tables around a year ago at Gen Con shifting stash fulls of games and proving itself to be quite the dapper gent, its a bit of a monster having a board presence to rival the verse and a gravity inducing pile of components, it drew some cries of discontent over its […]

Zombiecide Season 2 – Prison Outbreak

by Mike Bon July 11, 2014
WDR Silver
I’ve long avoided Zombicide, the price has been one factor it runs into the serious gamer’s budget area making attaining a copy a special treat and less an impulse buy. I’ve occasionally glanced from afar but in all honesty I wasn’t that enticed, sure there are all the great looking mini’s I mean this box […]

Boss Monster

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Boss Monster is catnip for any passing geek, there’s the cool retro 8-bit style of the cards and the genius box design that alludes to those bygone days of gaming on creaky old consoles. Then there’s the theme, manage your own little dungeon as a bunch of heroes attempt to pillage it like some Conan […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Coconuts is a truly silly game. I’m a grown up gamer, I have a dog and a house and a wife and things. I grew a gorram beard, what possible use would I have for a dexterity game involving monkeys flinging poop shaped lumps of brown rubber. I mean really! But it did look a […]

Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice. 1st Edition

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Luchador! And you really need to shout that in a terrible faux Mexican accent to seriously get into the spirit of this crazy as a box full of rabid weevils dice game. Is such a simple game, its one of those blindingly obvious ideas that you table slam yourself for the very obviousness of it, […]

Marvel Dice Masters – Avengers Vs X-Men

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
  When I first heard about this game I was on the fence, I own Quarriors and whilst fun, it needed the expansions to really fix a game that traded off the fact it contained all those cool dice. So when Wizkids proposed this new Marvel licensed version I kinda suspected more Quarriors with different […]

Frankenstein’s Bodies

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
I love Hammer movies don’t you? I grew up on the old Peter Cushing Frankenstein movies so when I was lucky enough to get get my hands on a preview copy of Frankenstein’s bodies I lunged at the chance. This looked to have everything ghoulish and horrid that I loved about those creaky old films, […]

Sentinels Of The Multiverse

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
I love comic books and have been avidly collecting them since the 1980’s, I even worked/hung around in a good friends store for several years (worked is a very loose approximation of what took place). So yes I’m an unashamed huge comic book geek they are in my blood, if you were to cut me […]

Artic Scavengers

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
  In some funky alternative timeline Arctic Scavengers upon release became a roaring hit, ushering in a new age of deck builders and spawned a series of brilliant expansions. So it sucks that we’re stuck here in this poopy timeline where none of that amazingly cool stuff occurred. There’s a depressing history to what occurred […]