
Two Rooms and a Boom (or how I learned to stop waiting and played another party game)

by Mike Bon August 26, 2015
So cast your mind back a couple of years, Love Letter hits the party/micro game scene like a disco inferno and is still punching its weight today. Two Rooms was also something of a party darling riding high on a Golden Geek best PNP nomination itself bringing a high concept elevator pitch dream come true […]

Smoke & Mirrors

by Mike Bon August 20, 2015
Aside from my obsession with board games sleight of hand card tricks has long been a fascination for me. Now personally I’m useless at them you just need to witness my hamfisted attempts at shuffling to know this but Masters of this skill such as Ricky Jay are heroes of mine. So combining a theme […]

Robbie Thinks About… Room 25

by Rob Pennon August 6, 2015
For such a simple concept, room 25 is brilliantly done. With only four moves to choose from: peek, move, push and switch it’s all about how much you trust your “friends”. There’s two game modes, co-op and betrayal. Co-Op is great for first-time play, but the betrayal mode is where the real fun is hiding. […]

Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn

by Mike Bon August 5, 2015
WDR Essential
The duelling card game arena is sodden with choices. There is the behemoth Magic system with its thousands of cards and ferocious tournament play, an intimidating prospect for new players. Netrunner has its riveting asynchronous matches marred by a ridiculously steep learning curve enough to send a casual observer into spasms and investing into it […]

Dark Moon

by Mike Bon July 28, 2015
WDR Silver
Hidden traitor games. For me, they are one of my most absolute favorite game mechanics introduced in this modern age of board gaming. The frenzied levels of finger pointing loud proclamations of distrust and the general level of tension these can instill among a group of dear friends over a dining table are fantastic. There […]

Robbie thinks about… Eldritch Horror

by Rob Pennon July 27, 2015
Podcast regular Robbie has decided to put finger to keyboard and offer us his opinions on some of the games he’s been playing. The enormity of this event cannot be understated as usually he only sits in front of a computer monitor for extended periods of time either if porn is involved or his Hearthstone […]

Tinker Tailor

by Mike Bon July 17, 2015
WDR Silver
One thing we strive for here at WDR towers is to shine a light on the smaller publishers and games, those that can get lost in all the noise and bluster whenever one of the big boys release a shiny new toy. Recently we pointed you towards 6, released at the UK Games EXPO it […]

Room 25

by Mike Bon July 13, 2015
WDR Bronze
This is one that had been on my radar since its release and finally I managed to get a play in at the recent UK Games EXPO courtesy of Geraint one half of Going Half On Games, we assembled a rabble of detritus from the UK’s gaming media folks consisting of Nate & Ben from […]


by Mike Bon June 22, 2015
WDR Silver
The UK Games EXPO has over the years introduced me to many amazing experiences and people, but all of this accumulated gaming joy pales into insignificance to the one part of the EXPO that I always need to visit, the Hopwood Games stand.  Seemingly always nestled in the same spot every year, off the beaten […]


by Mike Bon June 17, 2015
WDR Silver
The backstory of Chaosmos sounds a little something like a coke addled 80’s movie producer could have concocted during a lunch time pitch meeting, it probably would have gone something like this. “These crazy looking aliens are tear-assing across the cosmos frantically searching for the Ovoid, this strange alien egg critter. You see the universe […]