Letters From Whitechapel

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Letters from Whitechapel is based on the very real and horrific serial murders committed during the 1880’s in olde london town, which to this day remain one of the most discussed and theorized upon unsolved mysteries of our time. Personally I’ve always been enthralled by this dark moment in UK history and have absorbed […]

Eldritch Horror

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
Cthulhu, creeping dread.

City Of Horror

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
  City Of Horror is surprise surprise a zombie game, you’d have to have been living in a cave not to have noticed board game designers obsession with this genre. To be honest I find a majority of the zombie games on the market all a bit samey and at worse dull. I’ve played Zombies […]