Imperial Settlers Roll & Write

by Mike Bon June 26, 2019
WDR Silver
Hello, hello. And welcome to another Who Dares Rolls review. So in an effort to appease everyone (yeah like that’s going to work) I’ll be attaching both our video review and Ta Da!! A written version of the words that I did say in the video. So if you want to watch go and watch […]

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game Review

by Mike Bon February 11, 2019
WDR Gold Essential
We delve into Portals innovative and enthralling game of modern crime investigation and deduction.  

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island

by Mike Bon September 14, 2015
WDR Silver
The Co-op game, its sole purpose apparently to ruin a perfectly good evening and get a group of friends arguing. Despite this impediment, they’ve gone on to become a popular and thriving sector of our hobby. Essential they are all evil piles of cardboard, cards, and cubes intent on making everyone’s life a bloody misery. […]

Imperial Settlers

by Mike Bon January 25, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
My first introduction to Civ games was the granddaddy of em all Sid Meir’s Civilization. And oh my! have I whiled away countless hours chasing that next wonder or shiny new tech, its like historical crack. I’ve circled Fantasy Flights lavish board game adaptation like a seagull over a ham sandwich but I just couldn’t […]


by Mike Bon December 8, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
If a board game can be defined as such a thing as a sleeper hit then I think Mysterium is one, originally published by Portal Games back in 2013 this has long flown under the gamer radar. I personally didn’t know of its existence until rumblings started to emanate from Essen this year and swiftly […]