
Like Mad Max, Why Not Try Apocalypse World?

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 23, 2015
Mad Max seems to be pretty popular right now and rightly so, according to all the reviews. It’s got the right haters and a ton of supporters. So you like the movie and want to play games like it? That’s cool, I get it, I have that feeling way too often and try to work out […]

Forbidden Desert

by Mike Bon May 3, 2015
WDR Silver
Matt Leacock designer of Pandemic, Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert seems like a nice enough chap, I can only assume he was picked on as a child, maybe he always lost those family games of Monopoly. The reason for this? Well take a look at his board game output it resembles a 70’s disaster movie […]


by Mike Bon April 23, 2015
WDR Bronze
Alchemists was one of the big hits from Essen 2014 with much ballyhoo concerning its reliance on an app to play. I was intrigued, not only by the apps inclusion (it did sound quite cool) but generally from what the game pertained to be, a heady concoction of deduction and worker placement all bottled together […]

Lords of War – Orcs versus Dwarves 2 – Magic and Monsters Expansion

by Mike Bon April 15, 2015
WDR Silver
The Lords of War series has long been a pleasure of mine since it first charged screaming onto the battling card scene back in the crisp winter of 2012.  With its straight forward and easy to teach rule set and spiffy artwork from Steve Cox it was an instant family favorite with myself and Ollie […]

Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem

by Mike Bon April 9, 2015
WDR Silver
Gale Force Nine have become one of my guilty gaming pleasures, OK let me quantify that statement further. By rights their output should be terrible consisting as it does of TV show licenses an area of our hobby historically beset by cheap buck efforts with slapped on themes. Yet despite this they have consistently managed […]

Lost: The Game

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon April 1, 2015
I’m an unapologetic Lost fan, having enjoyed the show when it aired, I rewatched the first few seasons when they came out on DVD and last year saw the whole thing again on blu-ray. Now we’re further away from the showrunners not really knowing what they were going to do and promising answers would be […]

Star Wars Imperial Assault

by Mike Bon March 5, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
Dum, de duh doo, dah doo dada dee da! Ah yes even now when I hear those masterful notes from John Williams epic Star Wars scores I get all a quiver. Its a vast universe ripe with possibility and adventure which disappointingly many of the board and card games licensed from the films have been […]


by Mike Bon February 25, 2015
Ah trips to the beach, a distinctly British pastime of dragging the family down to one of our many coastlines and indulging in a spot of bonding over gritty ham sandwiches, lounging in a deckchair while being buffeted by a strong north easterly wind and applying copious amounts of sun cream to each other. Whilst […]

Imperial Settlers

by Mike Bon January 25, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
My first introduction to Civ games was the granddaddy of em all Sid Meir’s Civilization. And oh my! have I whiled away countless hours chasing that next wonder or shiny new tech, its like historical crack. I’ve circled Fantasy Flights lavish board game adaptation like a seagull over a ham sandwich but I just couldn’t […]


by Mike Bon December 8, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
If a board game can be defined as such a thing as a sleeper hit then I think Mysterium is one, originally published by Portal Games back in 2013 this has long flown under the gamer radar. I personally didn’t know of its existence until rumblings started to emanate from Essen this year and swiftly […]