
Apocalypse:Galactic Arena – Preview

by Mike Bon September 18, 2014
Note that this based on a pre-release version of the game and the finished components and rules may differ, but it’ll still be cool. You remember that episode of Star Trek, the one with the Shat drop kicking the big green lizard dude and getting his shirt torn (the Gorn for those discerning trek types) […]

Zombie Dice

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
OK time for something very light. We love dice here and embrace any opportunity to play a game with them, which is lucky really as that’s all Zombie Dice is. In the tube you get 3 sets of different dice. Green, Yellow, Red. Each of the dice have 3 different types of symbol on them, […]

Lords of War: Templars Vs Undead

by Mike Bon November 6, 2013
Earlier in the year we reviewed the brilliant Lords Of War Orcs Vs Dwarves a deceptively simple little card game that had some meaty strategic chops to it. Published by Black Box Games a UK company they really hit it out of the park and followed up with Elves V’s Lizardmen. These are cracking games, inexpensive […]

Two Rooms And A Boom!

by Mike Bon November 6, 2013
We here at Who Dares Rolls love a good party game. Anything that gets a group of like minded individuals together to goad, betray and generally act up in a terribly ungentlemanly manner is all right by us. And that brings us to Two Rooms And A Boom! this is a party game that plays […]

Keep Running!

by Mike Bon November 2, 2013
Greetings enthusiasts of all things board and game related. Kickstarter is something of a guilty pleasure for me, I love it but my credit card absolutely loathes it. And now I’m here to point you (and your credit card) in the direction of a fine British project that is running right now, it would benefit […]

404:Law Not Found

by Mike Bon September 22, 2013
So this is something a little different a preview/review of a game from a British designer. 404:Law not found is currently still running on kickstarter designed by Gregory Carslaw and being put out by 3D Total Games. Its set aboard a spaceship (at this time the name is still being decided) where a lazy and […]