Lords Of War – Templars V’s Undead

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Well its been a grudge match long in the offing and so finally the forces of good and evil will meet on the field of battle to settle the score in Black Box’s latest edition to the Lords of War franchise, Templars Versus Undead. We’re fans here at WDR of the Lords Of War series, […]

Love Letter

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Ah, can you feel it? that warm breeze brushing lightly against your cheek. I’m not talking about great uncle Albert and his explosive flatulence but the first blush of romance as spring nears. Yes its nearly Valentines day and so in a completely non commercial or exploitative bit of media saviness we present to […]

Moby Dick or, The Card Game.

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Moby Dick the novel of whaling by Herman Melville has always been something of peculiar interest to me, the book is a strange beast rather like its title character. With its large digressions into the minute of whaling and a barrel full of subtext  it’s not for everyone and for many its a baffling […]


by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Friends we are travelling back to the golden hued times of bygone gaming, well five years anyway. Released in 2008 Dominion ushered the hugely popular Deck Building mechanic onto the face of modern board gaming, and has since spawned numerous imitators some brilliant and others not so. Its easy to forget now quite what a […]

Smash Up

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Smash Up is a light card game which sits cheerfully alongside King Of Tokyo as a simple and fun way to while away half an hour. And like King Of Tokyo this one also looks stunning its a box brimming with fistfuls of wonderfully illustrated and colorful cards. So lets find out what its all […]

Pacific Rim – Shuffling The Deck Game

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Ever since the kids saw Pacific Rim in the summer they have been obsessed with this film and the world it created, its probably the closest they have come to that fanatical joy I had when Star Wars first hit the big screen. To that end I have had an eye open for any cool […]