Lifeform Review

by Mike Bon August 13, 2019
WDR Gold Essential
Lifeform was one of my most anticipated games so to finally see it released into the wild is fantastic. I’ve been tracking it’s development for years, for those unaware of the game its designer Mark Chaplin’s love letter to Alien. And it features all the white knuckle sci-fi horror fun that you’d expect from that […]

The Others

by Mike Bon May 31, 2017
Lets take a look at CMON’s big horror Kickstarter from last year. The Others.


by Mike Bon February 16, 2017
A warning to passing travellers for your safety contained below within the secret passages is a deeper look into our SeaFall experience. Be warned these rarely trodden paths are treacherous and filled with the most heinous spoilers…OK look if you don’t want your SeaFall campaign to be ruined don’t click the bloody things, just so […]


by Mike Bon April 22, 2016
WDR Silver
The post-apocalypse is one of my most beloved genre’s thanks in large part to a petrol-head father, Mad Max and the fact we watched them pretty much on a constant loop in my formative years. It’s a disappointment then that hobby board games are still a wasteland when it comes to this genre; I endured […]