Stak Bots Purple Expansion
WDR Silver
Stak Bots is something of a family affair, it’s a series that has grown up with my kids it was Ollie my now teenage son’s first board game crush. It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since I first encountered its malevolent little robotic gits at the now-defunct Chi-Con on a cold December morning. […]
To The EXPO & Beyond Part 2
Being the proper and correct account of the misadventures of Mike B and his belligerent and overworked Editor Chris B. I was startled awake by what could be best described as somebody repeatedly and violently inserting a cat into a Tuba. The room was a wreck, resembling some kind of post-party apocalypse wrestling myself […]
Stak Bots – Red Expansion
Stak Bots has been a part of the WDR furniture since I first started writing reviews, it’s grown up with us and is still the filler of choice for Son No.1. Not that he’d admit that in public these days, being a teenager he’s far more interested in that poster of Katie Perry, oh dear. […]
Board Game News On Monday 7th July.
Greetings and salutations on this fine Monday, and so with the usual irregularity I will attempt to offer you some nuggets worthy of news. With this post finding us plummeting happily into the big CON season actual proper exciting news is going to be on short supply, most publishers develop release constipation about now and […]
Stak Bots – Yellow Expansion
Yay! the Stak Bots are back! Those little metal bar-stewards that captured this old gamer’s stony heart last year have returned in a brand new expansion. I’m not going to cover the basic’s this time out, you can play catch up by checking out my original review for that Stak Bots what I will say for those […]
Stak Bots
Stak Bots is a game I was very recently introduced to by none other than its creator Tom Norfolk. Whilst bumbling around at a game convention Ollie my eldest was rather taken by a large poster depicting the above little colorful and cutesy robots with the tag line “Battling Robots Card Game”. Being a eleven […]
Chi-Con 2013
I’m knackered! After a harrowing six long days of seasonal retail work* it was with some small relief that I had a day off. And rather than spend it sensibly tucked up in bed recovering I decided to venture out into the crisp chill of this weekend and saunter along (11 year old in tow) […]