Posts Tagged ‘RPG’

Carolina Death Crawl

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 4, 2015
A competitive role-playing game of the terrible things men do in war for 3-4 players.   I know I shall take this letter to the grave with me. My wife and children, my grandchildren… they must never know what I did, but as I get older, the ghosts of those I knew in the Civil […]

Who Dares News On 2nd February 2015

by Mike Bon February 2, 2015
Greetings Greg’s Been a while since we did one of these and as Stuff! has occurred or is about to, I thought it was a suitable calm in the storm of the gaming teacup to stop for a quiet moment of contemplation and hit you all up with whats new and what we have coming […]

Oh, The Places You’ll Go

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon January 28, 2015
Howdy Greg’s, I’m here to quickly (i.e. not rubbish up with my interesting use of grammar and the written word) introduce our most recent new edition to the Who Dares Rolls family Mr Charles Etheridge-Nunn. Charlie is going to be covering RPG’s and other goodness for us, so without further ado let me hand you over to […]

And Here we go again! Yippee!

by Mike Bon January 6, 2015
So we’ve packed 2014 away neatly back into its box, checked under the table for any missing components and bagged all its meeples, and slid it with satisfied contentment away onto the shelf. Lets take a breath because personally the last couple of months have been a bit of a blur, I’m in the unenviable […]