Posts Tagged ‘kickstarter’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 19 – XCOM

by Mike Bon April 17, 2015
Its episode 19 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast and in this scintillating batch of nonsense Mike B,Robbie,Ben & Charlie discuss XCOM Fantasy Flights new App assisted game of global panic based on the popular license. Are apps in games a good thing? Is XCOM a big meany that wants to ruin everyone’s fun? and […]

Who Dares News

by Mike Bon April 16, 2015
More news I hear you cry, but we have already had some this week! Yes, yes you have but as I’m feeling particular generous with the news at the moment here’s another nugget or two. So stop with the griping already! Jeez. So first up is a little British game that could. Surviving: One Month […]

Lords of War – Orcs versus Dwarves 2 – Magic and Monsters Expansion

by Mike Bon April 15, 2015
WDR Silver
The Lords of War series has long been a pleasure of mine since it first charged screaming onto the battling card scene back in the crisp winter of 2012.  With its straight forward and easy to teach rule set and spiffy artwork from Steve Cox it was an instant family favorite with myself and Ollie […]

Who Dares News – 7 April

by Mike Bon April 7, 2015
In keeping with our recent podcast discussion of all things Kickstarter, here’s something that all would be project creators should certainly take a look at. Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier games has long been posting fascinating blog updates dissecting both his own projects and generally everything that could or can go awry with a kickstarter and […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 18 – Kickstarter

by Mike Bon March 26, 2015
In a change to our normal programming the WDR guys discuss Kickstarter. Its strengths, its failings and projects past and present that have been of interest or infamous. We are joined by two special guests new boy on the WDR block Mr Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and eventually by Mr Board Game Hour himself, the Minister of […]

Who Dares News – Friday 20th March

by Mike Bon March 20, 2015
A solar eclipse is happening today, about now. Across the UK legions of school children have been working furiously on pinhole cameras so as to watch this dazzling intergalactic event without fear of burning a hole through the backs of their heads. Simultaneously  groups of strange bearded gentlemen have thronged to Stonehenge garbed in tea-towels […]

Who Dares News – Monday 2nd March

by Mike Bon March 2, 2015
Rejoice! Rio Grande games have finally announced the long awaited and for some time presumed dead expansion to Arctic Scavengers, Arctic Scavengers-Recon. The game and its expansion have had a bit of a journey to reach us, I covered a snippet of that history back in April last year HERE. It seemed the game was […]


by Mike Bon February 25, 2015
Ah trips to the beach, a distinctly British pastime of dragging the family down to one of our many coastlines and indulging in a spot of bonding over gritty ham sandwiches, lounging in a deckchair while being buffeted by a strong north easterly wind and applying copious amounts of sun cream to each other. Whilst […]

Who Dares News On 23rd February 2015

by Mike Bon February 23, 2015
Morning and here we are at another week standing on the brink awaiting news of more gaming delights, let me take you by the hand and gently usher you through the twinkly joy of this weeks news and tiptoe gently around the Swamp of Board Game Sorrow awaiting to suck you into its depths that […]

Who Dares News On 2nd February 2015

by Mike Bon February 2, 2015
Greetings Greg’s Been a while since we did one of these and as Stuff! has occurred or is about to, I thought it was a suitable calm in the storm of the gaming teacup to stop for a quiet moment of contemplation and hit you all up with whats new and what we have coming […]