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Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 20 – Cabincon 2015

by on May 15, 2015

Its episode 20 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast. In this episode Mike, Ben, Charlie and Robbie discuss the recent Cabincon that Charlie and Ben attended, we probe them for details like an extraterrestrial with a particularity prominent index finger.

Lots of games get discussed including Chaosmos and Last Will, Snowdonia, Sentinels of the Multiverse – Wrath of the Cosmos and all the stuff the boys played whilst at the cabin.

And then due to the fact we forgot to record it Mike and Ollie indulge in a spot of Fighting Fantasy in the most recent Sword of the Samurai adventure where they get confused by riddles and mess up.

So prepare yourself for much gasbagging and debate whilst we attempt to get to the bottom of Mikes loathing for Five Tribes.

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