Posts Tagged ‘dead of winter’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 11 – Dead Of Winter

by Mike Bon September 10, 2014
Its episode 11 of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. In this thrilling installment we discuss Plaid Hat Games new zombie game Dead Of Winter & Crossroads Game its given the usual unstructured blather but its possible you may discern some information of use somewhere during it. The boys also dig into a spot of post […]

Board Game News On September 10 2014

by Mike Bon September 10, 2014
Its September! Its nearly half way through September!! Who’s stealing my time, it was only July last week. Ignoring my tenuous  grip on the space time continuum lets push on. New Game Releases. OK so its that post Gen Con time of year, which basically means that gamer’s are broke, there will be on average […]

Board Game News on Monday 18th August.

by Mike Bon August 18, 2014
So in perfect timing I went on my family holidays last week whilst the rest of the board gaming world went Gen Con crazy, to make matters worse I happened to be enjoying myself in Cornwall an area of the UK with an abundance of beaches, bustles of pasties and unfortunately a WiFi network powered […]

Board Game News On Monday 7th July.

by Mike Bon July 7, 2014
Greetings and salutations on this fine Monday, and so with the usual irregularity I will attempt to offer you some nuggets worthy of news. With this post finding us plummeting happily into the big CON season actual proper exciting news is going to be on short supply, most publishers develop release constipation about now and […]

Board Game News In The Week.

by Mike Bon June 24, 2014
Greetings! Well its another week and its the news at a jaunty irregular time, we rolled the random cubic generator and decided on TODAY! was a good day to do.. News. How do you like Zombies? That was a yes wasn’t it. Well in yet another attempt to drain the last remaining vestiges of puss […]

Wednesday Board Game News On Tuesday!

by Mike Bon May 20, 2014
So how does this grab you firefly fans? Announced for demo at GenCon with a release later in 2014 is the new Blue Sun expansion for the rather popular Firefly game, this latest expansion adds more boards!! to a game that already devours table space, and some new rules for the Reavers to make them […]

Tuesday News, late again…

by Mike Bon April 22, 2014
News has been a bit thin on the ground, there isn’t a whole lot of new games shipping at the moment with companies clutching hold of the good stuff in preparation of this summers big conventions. However a couple of gems have been teased so we’re make of them what we can. Gale Force 9 […]

It’s Monday – Time for news!

by Mike Bon February 24, 2014
Top bit of news for us over at Who dares Rolls is Cryptozoic have the rights for the Archer TV show which we all love for its snarky spy fueled shenanigans. Archer The Danger Zone! Board Game: A high-stakes game of espionage, international intrigue, and screwing over your co-workers. The object of the game is to gain […]

Farewell 2013 Hello 2014

by Mike Bon December 26, 2013
I hope you all have been enjoying a restful and fun break spent playing lots of games with your nearest and dearest. And now in these last few days left to this year lets stretch out on the sofa to pick over the turkey carcass of 2013, whilst sorting through the tin of Quality Street […]

Dead Of Winter:A Crossroads Game.

by Mike Bon November 7, 2013
Wow, just wow. Plaid Hat games purveyors of some mighty fine board game entertainment that I ashamedly have not gotten around to reviewing yet, have just announced their new title. Dead Of Winter – Its part of a planned series under the Crossroads series (no not the 1980’s hotel TV show) its zombie post apocalypse […]