Posts Tagged ‘black box games’

Lords of War – Orcs versus Dwarves 2 – Magic and Monsters Expansion

by Mike Bon April 15, 2015
WDR Silver
The Lords of War series has long been a pleasure of mine since it first charged screaming onto the battling card scene back in the crisp winter of 2012.  With its straight forward and easy to teach rule set and spiffy artwork from Steve Cox it was an instant family favorite with myself and Ollie […]

Who Dares News 14 April 2015

by Mike Bon April 14, 2015
Greetings Greg’s one and all and any lurkers, malcontents or confused spam bots I tip my hat to you. Well its another week and news is spurting fourth like an overripe boil spilling its goopy goodness all over the bathroom mirror of our hobby… Sorry. Moving on swiftly. So lets start the ball rolling with […]

Who Dares Rolls – Podinterview 2 – Martin Vaux – Lords of War

by Mike Bon September 15, 2014
Greetings again you lucky souls. Here’s an interview I conducted recently with that most amiable of chaps Martin Vaux from Black Box Games, he’s one part of the symbiotic design team creature behind the hugely successful Lords of War series (the other head belonging to Nick Street). We had a chance to cover the origins […]

Lords Of War – Weather & Terrain Expansion

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Last week we gave an enthusiastic review to the new faction pack from Lords Of War Templars Vs Undead, one of the things that we enjoyed the most from that set, aside from the amazing Steve Cox artwork was how with a couple of subtle new rule changes the game had taken on some […]

Lords Of War – Templars V’s Undead

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
WDR Silver
Well its been a grudge match long in the offing and so finally the forces of good and evil will meet on the field of battle to settle the score in Black Box’s latest edition to the Lords of War franchise, Templars Versus Undead. We’re fans here at WDR of the Lords Of War series, […]

Lords of War: Templars Vs Undead

by Mike Bon November 6, 2013
Earlier in the year we reviewed the brilliant Lords Of War Orcs Vs Dwarves a deceptively simple little card game that had some meaty strategic chops to it. Published by Black Box Games a UK company they really hit it out of the park and followed up with Elves V’s Lizardmen. These are cracking games, inexpensive […]