The Best Bears in Tabletop Games
I recently wrote about Bärenpark, which was a fantastic board game entirely about bears. It isn’t the only one though, as the noble bear has had a role in several games we all know and love. I thought I’d give a shout out to bears in board games. A quick disclaimer, I may have a […]
The Tabletop Retailer’s View of 2017
In the world of tabletop journalism, it’s easy to focus too much on the games themselves and the designers. Something I’ve been wondering about lately has been the retailers. They tend not to grasp a massive amount of the headlines unless it’s something like Tom Vasel’s massive rant against bricks and mortar retailers, which was […]
The Best Components to Stack Up While You’re Playing a Board Game
Board games can be marvellous things, with cardboard, plastic and wood replicating vineyards, wars, civilisations and more. They are a wonderful experience and something I always heartily recommend to people as a social experience to have with friends (or sometimes solo, if you’ve read any of my ‘playing with ourselves’ articles . There’s one aspect of […]
Stuff we encountered in 2017.
I’ve never been one for list making I have a general aversion to them. It is my experience they exist to get me off my arse and doing chores like digging up a rose bush or hoovering something the dog left behind. There you are on your day off, a wealth of possibilities ahead of […]
2017 and all that…
Next year Who Dares Rolls will be celebrating its sixth birthday. Yes, unbelievably we’ve been around that long, by the law of averages just by existing we should have a bigger audience than we have. It has to be said we’ve managed with no real effort, to stay firmly below the radar. And you know […]
The Horror!
The witching hour nearly being upon us, Chris from unboxed the board game blog and my goodself decided to settle around the campfire and pick some suitably horrific games you should play this Halloween. That’s horrific in scary as well.. Not shite. Horror in board games is a tricky proposition, how to capture that feeling […]
Designer Impulses
Chris from Unboxed:The Board Game Blog approached me with the spiffy idea of an article all about games that we’ve bought without doing the homework, you know like checking reviews or any of that other sensible stuff those of use with a serious board game habit would obviously do. These are impulse buy’s and more […]
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!
Alright, i’m going to go off on one. So before I get into a complete state and have to wipe the slaver off my chin, let’s get some context in here so stick with me there is a point to all of this. If you’re sitting comfortably then I’ll begin. The video games industry has […]
Warhammer 40K 8th Edition
Unless you have been living under a rock (or perhaps deep in some form of cave system), you’ll have noticed that there has been rather a lot of noise coming from the direction of Nottingham. For it is here that the goliath of the UK games industry, Games Workshop, is based. Well, a new version […]
The Parkers Play Camel Up
Aside from all that board gaming and RPG shenanigans Charlie has also found time to author a series of short stories and a book all about a dysfunctional bunch of super heroes trying to find their place on earth. Think of it as Buffy meets X-Men with a side order of Scott Pilgrim. Anyway he […]