Lord of the Rings : Journeys In Middle Earth

by Mike Bon July 17, 2019
Well we finally got around to finishing our review of Lord of the Rings : Journeys in Middle Earth. Go fourth and indulge yourselves. We need to talk about FFG. FFG’s catalog has always been drawn to licensed games running parallel to their in-house concoctions of bombast and spectacle like Twilight Imperium or Descent. For […]

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 31, 2016
You’re both trapped in a small shack by the beach, a mob outside have sent out a crazed one of their number to draw you out. One of you is already hurt and trying to decode a puzzle while the other’s flailing wildly with a fire axe. Finally, the maniac drops to the floor, dead. […]

XCOM: The Board Game

by Mike Bon August 25, 2016
WDR Silver
With the announcement from FFG that we’d finally be getting an expansion XCOM: Evolution, I was inspired to pluck this one back off the shelf where it’s languished for most of the last year. Having now vigorously revisited this, I’m rather glad I didn’t write this review on my initial close encounter, time has, in […]

Star Wars Rebellion

by Mike Bon July 8, 2016
WDR Silver
Casting a shadow over the gaming table larger than a star destroyer chasing down a Corellian Corvette at full throttle Rebellion’s box is no moon its a well it’s a colossal box. Considering that Star Wars fever is at full froth are its contents strong with the force or have FFG given us a bait […]

Battlestar Galactica and Expansions Review

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 17, 2016
WDR Gold Essential
When justifying buying legacy games, I’ve often heard the argument, “What board games have you played twelve or more times?” This generally doesn’t count things like Love Letter; they mean the big boys. The first place my mind goes to when people ask this question is Battlestar Galactica, a game which has definitely seen its’ […]

Talisman 4th Edition

by Mike Bon April 7, 2016
Let’s play Talisman. It’s a phrase when uttered in gaming circles will either materialise hazy half-remembrances of wasted Sunday afternoons and dreamy expressions, send a gamer screaming from the room or get you punched. On the button pushing scale of gaming, it’s up there with other marmite flavoured delights such as Munchkin, Cards Against Humanity […]

Fury of Dracula 3rd edition

by Mike Bon March 18, 2016
WDR Silver
Fury of Dracula shares much with its fanged protagonist/antagonist it has an eternally youthful demeanour and just when you think its dead, up it pops again with renewed fury and vigour. Originally rising back in the eighties from Games Workshops crypt it was a unique concept meshing theme and mechanics to excellent effect which probably […]

Robbie thinks about… Eldritch Horror

by Rob Pennon July 27, 2015
Podcast regular Robbie has decided to put finger to keyboard and offer us his opinions on some of the games he’s been playing. The enormity of this event cannot be understated as usually he only sits in front of a computer monitor for extended periods of time either if porn is involved or his Hearthstone […]

Star Wars Imperial Assault

by Mike Bon March 5, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
Dum, de duh doo, dah doo dada dee da! Ah yes even now when I hear those masterful notes from John Williams epic Star Wars scores I get all a quiver. Its a vast universe ripe with possibility and adventure which disappointingly many of the board and card games licensed from the films have been […]

Letters From Whitechapel

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
  Letters from Whitechapel is based on the very real and horrific serial murders committed during the 1880’s in olde london town, which to this day remain one of the most discussed and theorized upon unsolved mysteries of our time. Personally I’ve always been enthralled by this dark moment in UK history and have absorbed […]