Author Archive

7th Sea: Second Edition Review

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 7, 2018
Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? If not, why not? What about a swashbuckling hero along the lines of Inigo Montoya, Guybrush Threepwood or the Musketeers of Dumas’ stories? Or maybe you want to run a game, stranding a bunch of heroes on an island filled with wonders, horrors and buried treasure? I […]

Jason Statham’s Big Vacation

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 16, 2018
A Game by Grant Howitt & Chris Taylor at Rowan, Rook & Decard At Who Dares Rolls we’ve already praised Grant Howitt’s strange brain and wonderful games. He releases one-page RPGs each month at his Patreon, including Honey Heist which we’ve previously covered. Recently Grant and his co-conspirator, Chris, recorded an episode of their Hearty […]

The Best Bears in Tabletop Games

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon April 17, 2018
I recently wrote about Bärenpark, which was a fantastic board game entirely about bears. It isn’t the only one though, as the noble bear has had a role in several games we all know and love. I thought I’d give a shout out to bears in board games. A quick disclaimer, I may have a […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon April 17, 2018
Bears! Bears are pretty great. I’ve reviewed Honey Heist and really loved that. Bears can be adorable and deadly in equal measure. In the Who Dares Rolls Podcast 47 I mentioned taking part in the BoardGameGeek UK Maths Trade and getting Bärenpark. My partner heard that I was getting this game and cared about nothing else. […]

Psi-Run: Days of Future Past (a hacked review)

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 22, 2018
Original Game by Meguey Baker and Night Sky Games. Days of Future Past hack by jenskot on the Story Games forums. Trapped in a world that hates and fears them, the X-Men were a massive part of my youth and still a core part of my fandom. I’d read Meguey Baker’s amazing Psi*Run and managed […]

The Tabletop Retailer’s View of 2017

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 6, 2018
In the world of tabletop journalism, it’s easy to focus too much on the games themselves and the designers. Something I’ve been wondering about lately has been the retailers. They tend not to grasp a massive amount of the headlines unless it’s something like Tom Vasel’s massive rant against bricks and mortar retailers, which was […]

Battle of the Austen: Matchmaker Vs Marrying Mr Darcy

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon January 21, 2018
So apparently Jane Austen is a genre of tabletop game… Who knew? Actually I did. I’m a fan of Jane Austen, I’m dating a much bigger fan of Jane Austen. When people started talking about these two games I knew buying Marrying Mr Darcy and backing Matchmaker would be an inevitability. The thing is, these […]

The Best Components to Stack Up While You’re Playing a Board Game

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon January 9, 2018
Board games can be marvellous things, with cardboard, plastic and wood replicating vineyards, wars, civilisations and more. They are a wonderful experience and something I always heartily recommend to people as a social experience to have with friends (or sometimes solo, if you’ve read any of my ‘playing with ourselves’ articles . There’s one aspect of […]

7th Sea Session Six – Castille Prison Break!

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon December 5, 2017
Starring: Jacob as the GM Charlie as Effy Varrow, an Avalon soon-to-be famous explorer Lee as Finn Hopkins, the vengeful son of an Avalon privateer Vinnie as Vanya Steiglig, a grizzled Eisen monster hunter Ash as Remy, a drunken ex-musketeer with a lot of fancy hats Josh as Janina “Nina” Kohrs, a Samartian union leader […]

7th Sea Session Five – Castille – Finn’s Crew is Rubbish

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 21, 2017
Starring: Jacob as the GM Charlie as Effy Varrow, an Avalon soon-to-be famous explorer Lee as Finn Hopkins, the vengeful son of an Avalon privateer Vinnie as Vanya Steiglig, a grizzled Eisen monster hunter Josh as Janina “Nina” Kohrs, a Samartian union leader who makes pacts with honestly-not-devils Amy as Galina Rurick Olgovna V’novgorov, an […]