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Frankenstein’s Bodies Interview UK Games Expo 2014

by on June 3, 2014

Phew, what a brilliant and manic weekend. This is the first of the interviews I recorded at the recent UK Games Expo and it was with the very amiable Mr Andrew Harman, the designer of the fantastic Frankenstein’s Bodies. The game went down a storm over the weekend and I managed to gatecrash a game of it with Andrew his wife Jenny alongside Nate and Amy from the brilliant Board Game Hour . The kickstarter is still running but time is running out so don’t linger any longer or you’ll going to miss out. Go and check out the facebook page if you need any further convincing.

There is also this great video from UK Gaming Media Network conducted by the lovely Liz from Nearly Enough Dice

So anyhoo, here is the chat that we had, being the professional and top flight web site that we are I conducted in the bar, so its a bit noisy. This covers all sorts including the future for Frank’s Bodies, expansions, and a tantalizing glimpse of  what Andrew has up his sleeve for future games.

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