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Who Dares News 29th March 2016

by on March 29, 2016

And so March shoots passed us like a pensioner on a mobility scooter going downhill with dodgy brakes. We’ve been a tad subdued on here of late as I happened to be on a cruise and short of re-mortgaging the house to get a WiFi connection on the ship I was off the grid. However as you will have correctly surmised, that being that your reading this which by a process of elimination must mean that I typed it which must mean I’m back. I’ve read back over that and yes I’m back.

So quick holiday catch up, Portugal is hot and has lots of windy streets and lots of bloody hills, regular cardio is essential board game fans.

I even found a hobby shop.

And of course we found time for some games. Stuck on the ship towards the end of the week during a storm it seemed sensible to pull out Eldritch Horror and take on the dreaded Cthulhu as he rose from the tempestuous seas, all very thematic.



So that’s us up to speed. So what’s rolling and a rattling since I’ve been away lets take a look at the news shall we.

unboundSo first out the gate and one for our resident RPG maestro and fan of Grant Howitt Charlie we have Unbound. Its an RPG obviously with a focus on character-focused world-building, group-led episodic storytelling, and streamlined combat. Playing cards are used as a resolution mechanic to create an exciting, freewheeling game system with lots of dramatic highs and lows – and lets the GM focus on running the game, rather than preparing to do it. Or in Grants far more exciting words…

Want to tell a story about CORRUPT CYBERPUNK POLICE OFFICERS in OVERCLOCKED POWER ARMOUR? You can do that. Princesses riding SOULBOUND UNICORNS? YUP, as long as you LET US PLAY TOO. Captains in charge of ELITE MILITARY UNITS, taking back a fractured city, BLOCK BY BLOODY BLOCK? 100%. BEARS, as in, everyone just plays a BEAR, and some of the bears are wearing HATS? A HUNDRED TIMES YES.

Aside from all of that the game features some bloody great art and Mr Howitts particular off the wall RPG stylings have really started to tickle my interest. For £25 you can get the physical book or for £10 the PDF if you love the art, as I do there are options for shinier editions. Go take a look HERE.

photo-originalGoonies. Now there’s a movie license to stir up some good old 80’s nostalgia. Coming from Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback hot off the success of Fleet and Eggs & Empires both cracking games, so the pedigree behind this is solid, BUT… Adventure Card Game… I just phfft! They had me until I checked out the page, this just looks so uninspiring and seems to completely miss the fun and frolics of this classic. I’m sad to say that this one leaves me cold, I want a big Ameritrash board and traps and puzzles and stuff and, and well not this. Its already massively over-funded and no doubt more due to the license than anything I’ve seen on the projects page maybe I’m missing something, feel free to convince otherwise in the comments. Even the Goonies Meeple has failed to stir more than a twinge.



photo-original (1)Now here’s something that looks handsome Santorini. This is a two player abstract game of tower building fighting to reach the top between Greek gods and goddesses and it looks incredible. Just look at this thing.



Rahdo calls it an abstract game for people who don’t like abstracts and who are we to argue, it looks fantastic and I’m getting some Populous vibes just looking at it. The only things holding me back currently is its price to get this over to good old Blighty will run you close to $100 and its only two player. But man it looks so cool. Have a better look HERE.

Sub-Rosa-BannerAnd as you’re browsing Kickstarters veritable pleasures it would be remiss of us not to mention Sub Rosa:Spies for Hire that is now funding on Kickstarter and I reviewed it HERE. Its a cracking little card game that’s very portable and something to pull out at a pub for a quick bit of fun.

Don’t forget that you can support us on Patreon.. Hint.. Hint

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And in just a couple of months the UK Games EXPO is happening! If you’ve never been then you really should and this year being the 10th Anniversary means there really is no better time to go. Its a hoot and they have a bunch of guest’s lined up including the Dice Towers very own St Tom, the Shut Up & Sit Down crew will be floating around and of course I’ll be there. What’s stopping you??


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