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The UK Games EXPO Banquet of Delights

by on May 26, 2015

Its Tuesday 26 June 2015 and in just three short days our quaint little shores biggest gaming event is set to take place, i’m talking about the UK Games Expo!

headerIts no underestimate to say that this year is set to be its biggest ever, and if you are not yet suitable ecstatic at the prospect of the banquet of gaming goodness on offer than lets get you seated and allow you to pause for a moment and appraise the menu and its bountiful delights.

Gaston. would you be so kind and seat our guest’s. Merci, Gaston.



Now as an appetizer we have Czech Games Edition and they have some very lovely items, how does Through The Ages tickle your palette, thrice matured on a bed of toasted meeples this new pressing will be available for looking at and tasting, and if you’d like something a little lighter to let that settle than how about partaking of some Castaway Club from the designer of the delectable  Last Will. And of course CGE’s world renowned menu master Vlaada Chvatil has prepared a new treat for us, a party game called Codenames. Sublime.





Maybe you would like a cheeky side order of Camelot:The Court coming from those purveyors of fine dining Woton Games, Camelot The Court offers a cheeky Beaujolais of scheming, back-stabbing and other mischief that won’t leave you with any nasty aftertaste. And is a fine palette cleanser.






Those looking for some hearty German cuisine then how about some Speed Snacks from Pegasus Spiel being offered for an exclusive first nibble for visiting diners as well as some choice cuts from their other fare.

fs01-sampleThose fancying a more substantial bite, I would point you to a meaty portion of Forbidden Stars from Fantasy Flight Games – this is a banquet of galactic conquest with a drizzle of Warhammer 40K served on a bed of gorgeous mini’s.

51Bs36D-2uL._SX300_For those wandering back from the pub and looking for something quick spicy with some kick to it then let me slice you off a chunk of Pint’s of Blood from Coiledspring Games, wedge that in a pita and get it down your neck. Featuring a squeeze of Shaun of the Dead and a generous slavering of undead, pints and improvised weapons, this is satisfying post pub grub, gore blimey guv’nor.





mysteriumbigFor dessert Asmodee have you covered with a peek at their zesty new pass at the frightfully delicious Mysterium ahead of its serving later in the year.

sandcastlesOr maybe pop by YAY Games and savor a cone of Sandcastles with a flake or some vintage Frankenstein’s Bodies from last years vat, either wayyou can expect a hearty hello and lashings of sauce.

And for an after dinner treat why not visit the Dark Room loosen those belts and settle down for an interactive evenings entertainment.



Oh! and don’t forget to pick up your Asmodee doggie bag on the way out.

If you can’t make it then may I suggest a tasty take out from the UKGMN where they will cater to all your fast food needs and offer a a la carte menu of all these wonderful dishes throughout the event.

Stuffed yet.

Fear not if you haven’t pre-booked your tables, you can still get in throughout this weekend of fine dining and we strongly suggest that you make the effort, but if you can’t then we’re be attempting to share as much as we can with you via our twitter feed so settle yourself down with a mug of tea and prepare for information overload.



In truth I’ve just tantalized a pinch of the delights that will be on offer over the weekend, hopefully I will see you there for what is set to be a stonking weekend of gaming.







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