Posts Tagged ‘forbidden stars’

The GW and FFG Split and What it Means to Us.

by Mike Bon January 29, 2017
Back in the carefree summer of 2016 news hit that put a bit of a wilt in my cucumber sandwich. It was the ending of the longstanding agreement between Fantasy Flight and Games Workshop that had seen the latter publishing board games based on GW’s various IP’s. At the time we gnashed our teeth and […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast – Episode 24 – Making A List Part 1

by Mike Bon August 7, 2015
Well you asked for it… Well some of you asked for it. Here’s part one of our top ten list’s. Yes in the time honored tradition of board game podcasts we’ve finally succumbed to the mounting pressure and made a list, due to the extant of the waffling in this episode expect a cliffhanger of […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 23 – Forbidden Stars

by Mike Bon July 11, 2015
In this episode. The boys get a multitude of wood. We discuss what we’ve been playing, including: finally a victory against the forces of darkness in Eldritch Horror and a first look at Tinker Tailor from Medusa Games a neat little card drafting set collection game, and Charlie gets all shook up in Dread! Wil […]

Who Dares News Friday 26th June 2015

by Mike Bon June 26, 2015
Well its been a while since I’ve done one of these so its probably time for a little bit of a catch-up so gather round all like-minded individuals and we can spoon in an entirely consensual manner and pick from the cracker box of board game happenings. So first sorry for the delay in regular […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 22 – UK Games EXPO 2015 Special.

by Mike Bon June 7, 2015
Hello, hello well here we are with another invigorating podcast episode. In this edition we discuss the recent UK Games EXPO 2015, discuss some of the new games we had a chance to savor including Imperial Settlers Atlanteans,Forbidden Stars, 6 and Race to the north pole, the terrors of the bring and buy are brought […]

So long and thanks for all the meeples – UK Games EXPO 2015

by Mike Bon June 1, 2015
And so as I recline in the Who Dares Rolls study having washed the stink of freshly pressed cardboard and cellophane wrap from my nostrils its time for some quiet contemplation. The UK Games EXPO has always been a mecca drawing in apostles to this fine hobby of ours from all the corners of this […]

The UK Games EXPO Banquet of Delights

by Mike Bon May 26, 2015
Its Tuesday 26 June 2015 and in just three short days our quaint little shores biggest gaming event is set to take place, i’m talking about the UK Games Expo! Its no underestimate to say that this year is set to be its biggest ever, and if you are not yet suitable ecstatic at the […]

Who Dares News – Friday 20th March

by Mike Bon March 20, 2015
A solar eclipse is happening today, about now. Across the UK legions of school children have been working furiously on pinhole cameras so as to watch this dazzling intergalactic event without fear of burning a hole through the backs of their heads. Simultaneously  groups of strange bearded gentlemen have thronged to Stonehenge garbed in tea-towels […]