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Podcast Episode 16 – The Christmas Episode

by on December 24, 2014

Merry-Christmas-2013-Wishes-Photos1Seasons greetings to you one and all. Updates have been a tad quiet around here of late and this is due to my day job which involves managing a large toy shop, I’ve been up to my ears in the special type of joy that only comes this time of year when faced with stressed parents who’ve left the shopping for their cherished little darlings until the last minute. But enough of that, I’m sat here on this the Eve of all things Christmassy writing to you our listener or site lurker. The Dog is settled by the open fire warming his bloated backside, here’s hoping that he keeps his flatulence to a minimum or the house could be engulfed in a fireball. Everything’s done, the wife has collapsed on the sofa watching some godawful reality show about elves or something and the kids have eaten their combined body weight in chocolate and are now fighting over the last matchmaker under the coffee table.

I’d like to extend a huge thank you to all the designers and publishers who have given their time over that past year whether it was in interviews or answering stupid questions, without you guys we wouldn’t have all the good stuff  that has kept us entertained throughout 2014 and for the foreseeable future. And of course a big thank you to you the unknown masses ” The Greg’s” who have clicked on our links or downloaded the podcast, I know there are some of you out there. I hope you get a chance to spend some quality time in the company of loved ones, we have a great hobby for this season we have drunk friends and family who we can take advantage of and get playing the games that we enjoy, we’re all ambassadors for this hobby so keep up the good work and encourage some more people to see what it is they have been missing out on.

We’re be back in the new year with more regular content, more podcast’s and some other secret plans that we have formulating in the WDR Lab.

To keep you entertained on any lengthy journeys you have coming up or epic Boxing Day toilet sessions please find the Christmas Episode of the podcast below for your listening pleasure, didn’t get time to wrap it sorry.

Mike B




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