Posts Tagged ‘RPG’

Violent Fungus

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 7, 2015
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition “Violent Fungus” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Three, Part One   Starring: Steve as Gatt (Gnome Rogue & Spy) Alex as Mablung Raventree (Half-Elf Wild Mage & Noble) Lee as Gesh (Dragonborn Fighter & Acolyte) Jacob as Willen aka Mockingbird aka Pastor Solomon (Human Bard & Charlatan) Vinnie as […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 20 – Cabincon 2015

by Mike Bon May 15, 2015
Its episode 20 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast. In this episode Mike, Ben, Charlie and Robbie discuss the recent Cabincon that Charlie and Ben attended, we probe them for details like an extraterrestrial with a particularity prominent index finger. Lots of games get discussed including Chaosmos and Last Will, Snowdonia, Sentinels of the Multiverse […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 11, 2015
I’ve had a long relationship with Dungeons and Dragons and one which has led me to some odd places. I’ve had some great times with D&D, but it and I have also split up a bunch of times, I like to feel with good reason but that’s always the way in a breakup. Here’s a […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 19 – XCOM

by Mike Bon April 17, 2015
Its episode 19 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast and in this scintillating batch of nonsense Mike B,Robbie,Ben & Charlie discuss XCOM Fantasy Flights new App assisted game of global panic based on the popular license. Are apps in games a good thing? Is XCOM a big meany that wants to ruin everyone’s fun? and […]

Who Dares News – 7 April

by Mike Bon April 7, 2015
In keeping with our recent podcast discussion of all things Kickstarter, here’s something that all would be project creators should certainly take a look at. Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier games has long been posting fascinating blog updates dissecting both his own projects and generally everything that could or can go awry with a kickstarter and […]

Who Dares News – Friday 20th March

by Mike Bon March 20, 2015
A solar eclipse is happening today, about now. Across the UK legions of school children have been working furiously on pinhole cameras so as to watch this dazzling intergalactic event without fear of burning a hole through the backs of their heads. Simultaneously  groups of strange bearded gentlemen have thronged to Stonehenge garbed in tea-towels […]

The Deep Forest

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 3, 2015
A story game about monsters and decolonialisation for 2-4 players by Avery Alder McDaldno & Mark Diaz Truman   In my itinerary for this year’s game reviews and articles, Avery McDaldno’s name is going to come up a lot. She makes interesting games, the ones which are fun but can also make you think (as […]

Who Dares News – Monday 2nd March

by Mike Bon March 2, 2015
Rejoice! Rio Grande games have finally announced the long awaited and for some time presumed dead expansion to Arctic Scavengers, Arctic Scavengers-Recon. The game and its expansion have had a bit of a journey to reach us, I covered a snippet of that history back in April last year HERE. It seemed the game was […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 23, 2015
I listen to a ton of podcasts, some I’ve stuck with since I first hooked myself into the monster that is iTunes, others I’ve drifted in and out of. In the last couple of years I’ve been listening to more RPG-based podcasts. Here I’ll explain why and tell you what to expect.   Podcasts are […]

Who Dares News On 23rd February 2015

by Mike Bon February 23, 2015
Morning and here we are at another week standing on the brink awaiting news of more gaming delights, let me take you by the hand and gently usher you through the twinkly joy of this weeks news and tiptoe gently around the Swamp of Board Game Sorrow awaiting to suck you into its depths that […]