Posts Tagged ‘RPG’

Dungeon World Exodus Session Two – Vs the Guard Kraken

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 29, 2016
Starring: Lee as Ethan Gale, Warden for the Order of Eternal Light. His mother Helena is missing. Jacob as Holden Luck, stubbornness mage. The son of the family he protects is missing. Vinnie as Bryan Weaver, Goblin bounty hunter. His friendly rival Ali is missing. Ash as Captain Urit Morca of the pirate ship Thondir’s […]

Tremulus Session Six “Sacrifice”

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 31, 2016
  Starring: Lee as “Dusty” Dawes, The Drifter Jacob as Doc Roberts (fake medical certificate, fake cult membership), The Salesman Vinnie as Fred Barrows, The Gravedigger Ash as Randall “Hands” Hershey, The Criminal Josh as Sam Star, The Entertainer   Supporting Cast: Tommy Magellan, Local Gangster, now pushing up daisies Dr. Rodriquez, owner of the […]

Dungeon World Exodus Session One

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 17, 2016
Dungeon World Exodus Session One – Vs Two Cohesive Units of Seagulls   Starring: Lee as Ethan Gale, Warden for the Order of Eternal Light. His mother Helena is missing. Jacob as Holden Luck, stubbornness mage. The son of the family he protects is missing. Vinnie as Bryan Weaver, Goblin bounty hunter. His friendly rival […]

Who Dares News 29th March 2016

by Mike Bon March 29, 2016
And so March shoots passed us like a pensioner on a mobility scooter going downhill with dodgy brakes. We’ve been a tad subdued on here of late as I happened to be on a cruise and short of re-mortgaging the house to get a WiFi connection on the ship I was off the grid. However […]

7th Sea Preview Part Two: The Swiftest at Swordery!

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 10, 2016
Game by John Wick Presents Preview by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn   “Niech Żyje Książę!” “Long Live the Prince!” Part Two   GM’d by Jacob. Starring: Prince Aleksy Gracjan Nowak, played by Vinnie Domenica Vespucci the fate witch, played by me Ennio Vespucci the flouncy duellist, played by Ash Captain Roberto Gallo, played by Lee Azucena Esquivel […]

The Final Girl

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 9, 2016
I’m going to do a dick move by telling you all about an amazing game you probably can’t get, but the experience was so fun that I had to share it. The Final Girl is a tiny RPG book, teeny-tiny, but it’s full of so much potential. We were short a couple of the In-Fighters […]

7th Sea Preview Part One: Deploy the Swoon!

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 3, 2016
7th Sea Preview Part One: Deploy the Swoon! Game by John Wick Presents The In-Fighters were making characters for Dungeon World when the news pinged up on my phone. There was imminently going to be a Kickstarter for the new edition of the 7th Sea role-playing game. All play stopped while the half of the […]

Tremulus Session Three “Fire”

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon March 2, 2016
Tremulus Session Three “Fire” By Charlie Etheridge-Nunn   Starring: Lee as “Dusty” Dawes, The Drifter Jacob as Doc Roberts (’Doc’ may actually be his first name instead of his title), The Salesman Vinnie as Fred Barrows, The Gravedigger Ash as Randall “Hands” Hersey, The Criminal Josh as Sam Star, The Entertainer   Supporting Cast: Tommy […]

Who Dares RPG News Feb 16th 2016

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 15, 2016
Right now is a surprisingly good time for role-playing games on Kickstarter. I noticed there wasn’t anything on the news section about these but there have been some huge announcements and some little ones which are worth attention, too. APOCALYPSE WORLD SECOND EDITION You may have noticed that I put up an article about Apocalypse […]

Who Dares News on February 10th

by Mike Bon February 10, 2016
Well hello there. Its been a while but as there has been such an abundance of news nay an avalanche of the stuff, it’s all over the place clogging up my mailbox and spilling out all over the door mat making a terrible mess. I’ve been sweeping it into a corner but now I’ve lost […]