Posts Tagged ‘kickstarter’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast – The One With Jamey Stegmaier in it.

by Mike Bon October 13, 2015
To celebrate the launch of Stonemaier Games Scythe on Kickstarter here’s an audio treat for you all. The king of board game Kickstarter’s and all round good egg Mr Jamey Stegmaier gathered in our secret bunker for a no holds barred interview. In this thrilling installment we cover the development of Scythe his brand new Euro, […]

She’s back and we came along for the nice cake.

by Mike Bon October 9, 2015
Just a quick pointer, to point you in the direction of Millie from Geek On Radio’s latest podcast episode which features my good self and Mr Nate Brett from Board Game Hour. We discuss a bit of Essen and generally ramble on. If Geek On isn’t on your Radar than here’s your chance to hop […]

Who Dares News – 25 September 2015

by Mike Bon September 25, 2015
Games… Well, there isn’t a huge lot. Being as we are on the doorstep of Essen news nuggets are in shorter supply than a reliable Volkswagon. However, one title coming up at the fair and something that we will be getting the opportunity of looking at in detail very soon is Race to the North […]

Viticulture & Tuscany Expansion

by Ben Hendyon September 4, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
Have you ever dreamt of giving it all up, jacking it all in, saying goodbye to the sweat and the grind and staring a new life? Perhaps you want to open a B&B on the French Riviera? Or maybe, given the recent changes to the law in several US states, you fancy growing your own […]

Two Rooms and a Boom (or how I learned to stop waiting and played another party game)

by Mike Bon August 26, 2015
So cast your mind back a couple of years, Love Letter hits the party/micro game scene like a disco inferno and is still punching its weight today. Two Rooms was also something of a party darling riding high on a Golden Geek best PNP nomination itself bringing a high concept elevator pitch dream come true […]

Who Dares Rolls Express 03 – Smoke & Mirrors

by Mike Bon August 13, 2015
Hello and welcome to another light nibble of podcast goodness. In this episode of the Who Dares Rolls Express Charlie briefly discusses his RPG articles for D&D 5th edition and I conduct an interview with Chip Beauvais about his new game Smoke & Mirrors, a bluffing card game of dueling magicians, think of it a […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 23 – Forbidden Stars

by Mike Bon July 11, 2015
In this episode. The boys get a multitude of wood. We discuss what we’ve been playing, including: finally a victory against the forces of darkness in Eldritch Horror and a first look at Tinker Tailor from Medusa Games a neat little card drafting set collection game, and Charlie gets all shook up in Dread! Wil […]

Who Dares News Friday 26th June 2015

by Mike Bon June 26, 2015
Well its been a while since I’ve done one of these so its probably time for a little bit of a catch-up so gather round all like-minded individuals and we can spoon in an entirely consensual manner and pick from the cracker box of board game happenings. So first sorry for the delay in regular […]


by Mike Bon June 17, 2015
WDR Silver
The backstory of Chaosmos sounds a little something like a coke addled 80’s movie producer could have concocted during a lunch time pitch meeting, it probably would have gone something like this. “These crazy looking aliens are tear-assing across the cosmos frantically searching for the Ovoid, this strange alien egg critter. You see the universe […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 20 – Cabincon 2015

by Mike Bon May 15, 2015
Its episode 20 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast. In this episode Mike, Ben, Charlie and Robbie discuss the recent Cabincon that Charlie and Ben attended, we probe them for details like an extraterrestrial with a particularity prominent index finger. Lots of games get discussed including Chaosmos and Last Will, Snowdonia, Sentinels of the Multiverse […]