Posts Tagged ‘D&D’

Who Dares News July 28th.

by Mike Bon July 28, 2015
Whoa, so its been like a while since the last news update which is more to do with my Dude like slovenliness than any particular news related drought. So to make up for that here’s a substantial downfall of news bits to moisten your parched areas. Board game cafes. So there are none and then […]

“Phontyr’s Unicorn” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Four, Part One

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 16, 2015
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition “Phontyr’s Unicorn” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Four, Part One   Just so you know, I think this is my single favourite session of the game.   Starring: Steve as Gatt (Gnome Rogue & Spy) Alex as Mablung Raventree (Half-Elf Wild Mage & Noble) Lee as Gesh (Dragonborn Fighter […]

“Awful Poetry About Dragons” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Three, Part Two

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 13, 2015
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition “Awful Poetry About Dragons” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Three, Part Two   Starring: Steve as Gatt (Gnome Rogue & Spy) Alex as Mablung Raventree (Half-Elf Wild Mage & Noble) Lee as Gesh (Dragonborn Fighter & Acolyte) Jacob as Willen aka Mockingbird aka Pastor Solomon aka Brother Justin (Human […]

Violent Fungus

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 7, 2015
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition “Violent Fungus” Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Episode Three, Part One   Starring: Steve as Gatt (Gnome Rogue & Spy) Alex as Mablung Raventree (Half-Elf Wild Mage & Noble) Lee as Gesh (Dragonborn Fighter & Acolyte) Jacob as Willen aka Mockingbird aka Pastor Solomon (Human Bard & Charlatan) Vinnie as […]

Like Mad Max, Why Not Try Apocalypse World?

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 23, 2015
Mad Max seems to be pretty popular right now and rightly so, according to all the reviews. It’s got the right haters and a ton of supporters. So you like the movie and want to play games like it? That’s cool, I get it, I have that feeling way too often and try to work out […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 11, 2015
I’ve had a long relationship with Dungeons and Dragons and one which has led me to some odd places. I’ve had some great times with D&D, but it and I have also split up a bunch of times, I like to feel with good reason but that’s always the way in a breakup. Here’s a […]

Oh, The Places You’ll Go

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon January 28, 2015
Howdy Greg’s, I’m here to quickly (i.e. not rubbish up with my interesting use of grammar and the written word) introduce our most recent new edition to the Who Dares Rolls family Mr Charles Etheridge-Nunn. Charlie is going to be covering RPG’s and other goodness for us, so without further ado let me hand you over to […]

Board Game News On Monday 7th July.

by Mike Bon July 7, 2014
Greetings and salutations on this fine Monday, and so with the usual irregularity I will attempt to offer you some nuggets worthy of news. With this post finding us plummeting happily into the big CON season actual proper exciting news is going to be on short supply, most publishers develop release constipation about now and […]