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The something, somewhen News!!

by on May 27, 2014

3 Days till the UK Games EXPO… 3 Days!

ukexpoSo excited. So yes UK Games EXPO is hitting this weekend and promising 3 days of board gaming joy. There are a bunch of big names attending, Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone authors of the wonderful Fighting Fantasy series, Matt Leacock the designer of Pandemic and Forbidden Desert, Monte Cook writer and designer of many things including Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition and the Numenera RPG and Chris Barrie who hasn’t designed any games I know off but gets a pass for life for being in Red Dwarf.

Obviously I’m going to be there and will be zooming around making sure I get a look at all the good stuff on offer, I will try to get some posts up during the event, but the draw of gaming and a nearby bar my well take its toll. Keep an eye on our twitter feed as I’ll be keeping that busy with updates throughout the weekend. If you are there, I will be easy to pick out as I will have a T-shirt emblazoned with our logo and I’ll be the roguishly handsome one.

So some news.

pic2031817_mdHere’s a couple more pics of Abyss that we mentioned a few months ago, its a card game with some money management and set collecting thrown in set under water with stunning art by Xavier Collette. Its due out in August and is starting to look very very pretty. Its certainly on my list.pic2031818_md

pic2031822_mdIn July we will be getting Legendary:Marvel Villains a follow up to the rather popular Legendary by Upper Deck, we covered that in our most recent Podcast Episode I’m still waiting for some more info on the announced Legendary:Encounters which applies the Aliens franchise to this series.encounters

So Kickstarter news.

Two lovely projects that require your love and more importantly your money. These are both cracking games and totally worth your investment. And if you are at the EXPO pop by the stands and have a play.

Luchador 130 x 130 Box TopMark Rivera has been tinkering away in his garden shed and is now bringing us Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice 2nd edition. This is a great little filler game and is available already, but this second edition is looking the nun’s whiskers? It looks really sweet, look at that 3D ring. so cool. Well worth a look peeps. It combines dice rolling and a degree of skill and lots of Luchador’s so much fun. If you don’t have it already now’s the time to correct that mistake.

Luchador ring

8b8ff2340fc1ace75a060c868207b948_largeFrankenstein’s Body’s C’mon people this one is so close to making its funding goal, just needs that final little push.

pixelgloryPixel Glory As suggested by our very own Cog, who I then mercilessly trolled for its pixel theme. He says its good and who are we to disagree. If it reaches its funding goal then I promise to spend a whole podcast on this when he gets it.

Oh dear.

For a game called Interesting Times this really does not look very interesting. I’m the first to support home grown talent, just look a little further up the page. But man this looks terrible. The video is stunningly dreadful, the game play nearly non-existent and seem’s to have all the wit and charm of a sheep’s anus. In the event you think I’m being unfair, this is the sort of delights you can look forward from an evenings entertainment with this.



To be fair I’d take either of those options over having to play this game. I’d even go for a bigger poo and make a meal of it.

Did I mention that the EXPO is happening this week?

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