Stak Bots Purple Expansion

by Mike Bon October 2, 2018
WDR Silver
Stak Bots is something of a family affair, it’s a series that has grown up with my kids it was Ollie my now teenage son’s first board game crush. It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since I first encountered its malevolent little robotic gits at the now-defunct Chi-Con on a cold December morning. […]

Stak Bots – Red Expansion

by Mike Bon May 13, 2016
Stak Bots has been a part of the WDR furniture since I first started writing reviews, it’s grown up with us and is still the filler of choice for Son No.1. Not that he’d admit that in public these days, being a teenager he’s far more interested in that poster of Katie Perry, oh dear. […]

Stak Bots – Yellow Expansion

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Yay! the Stak Bots are back! Those little metal bar-stewards that captured this old gamer’s stony heart last year have returned in a brand new expansion. I’m not going to cover the basic’s this time out, you can play catch up by checking out my original review for that Stak Bots what I will say for those […]

Stak Bots

by Mike Bon July 3, 2014
Stak Bots is a game I was very recently introduced to by none other than its creator Tom Norfolk. Whilst bumbling around at a game convention Ollie my eldest was rather taken by a large poster depicting the above little colorful and cutesy robots with the tag line “Battling Robots Card Game”. Being a eleven […]